What did you see on Muni today?
Photo by Ethan Hein
Cuz if you’re anything like these fellow Muni riders, you saw some good stuff.
- Gotta love the guy with a 10lb thing of kitty litter on the bus. #catpersonproblems
- People rolling joints, typical. Separating a shoe box full of cocaine into baggies? Not so… #sf
- empty mickey of vodka, container of potato salad, pint of Haagen-Dazs. Apparently some take the 6 to get over a breakup
- so the 29 driver just stopped the bus, got out, and did several jumping jacks. That’s all
- Oh my god why did I just look up from my phone to this old guy in spandex shorts
This week’s sights of Muni is brought to you by @sctosf, @thekatwok, @rianadadlani, @turkellviolince, and @iamyourgirlrach. If you saw something worth sharing on Muni, there’s a good place to do just that: @munidiaries.