Retro Buses Celebrate Muni Centennial

Photo by @thecara

OMG, you guys. It’s like an old car show, Muni-style. Beginning yesterday, and happening again next Sunday, Muni is wheeling out special Sunday service for these vintage buses to celebrate Muni’s upcoming 100th birthday. How cool is that?

The fine folks at Market Street Railway have more on the two-time special Sunday service. Meanwhile, click the photo below to open a gallery of images we dug up.

[EasyGallery id=’centennial’]
Photo by itsgraaaay

Photo credits:

1. itsblim
2. itsgraaaay
3. agentakit
4. @larrybobsf
5. agentakit
6. @thecara
7. @markasaurus
8. @thecara
9. cripsahoy
10. @thecara
11. @thecara
12. @thecara
13. abobass