My Muni (Mewni) Never Looks Like This

I ask, simply, why the 38-Geary (and its passengers — note the kids in the front piloting this beast) doesn’t look like this always, forever.

This 38/freakishly excited cat-ipede traveled to our eyeballs via Benjamin Seto on Facebook. In a comment, Benjamin notes that he used to take the 38 a lot when he’d hang in the city. I’m jealous that this was his takeaway from that experience, because I can say with certainty that this has never been my takeaway from that experience. Takes an artist’s eye, I s’pose.

Is Muni your muse? ’cause it’s proven time and again to be a good one. Send us a Muni story describing your latest adventure.

Night Time Goat Sighting at the Muni Yard

Photo by Tony Ta

You’re not hallucinating. These are goats at the Muni yard. Tony Ta has pictures to prove it. It appears that Tony and his girlfriend even petted the goats later that evening. Here’s what Tony saw:

My girlfriend was riding the 38BX into work yesterday morning when she looked up and saw hundreds of goats as her bus was passing the Muni Barn at Geary and Presidio. It looks like they are there, on the western hillside, to trim down the overgrowth. Apparently, no one else on the bus saw them since they all were too busy with headphones on, trying to ignore each other. I didn’t believe her when she told me so she made me jump in the car with her and drive over to the Muni Barn on the Trader Joe’s side. Sure enough, there were some 200 goats just hanging out on the hillside! It looked like they were settling in for the night, but they are still scampering about when she took the bus this morning.

Later that evening:

And here are the goats scampering away.

(Tony’s full photo set)

Two years ago we had another sighting of goats at the Muni yard and learned that they may be from Goats R Us or City Grazing. The goats have been spotted at CCSF and Forest Hill station.

Thank you, Tony and girlfriend, for your investigative Muni goat reporting!


Video: The Ups and Downs of the 38-Geary

The 38-Geary is one of the most storied lines on Muni Diaries, and here’s a video collage of the ups and downs of this line, by “Party of the Third Part.”

In no particular order, you can see the 38-Geary in any of the following shenanigans:

  • Spewing mystery green fluid
  • Breaking down and being towed
  • Articulating all over the TL

And bonus footage of an unnamed rider balancing a cup of soda on a pizza box, one-handed. Them’s skills.

Muni Dance Party

Yeah, there have been dance parties. Rick Rolls on the N-Judah count, as do old-school dance moves in Muni Metro stations. Sometimes we are a part of the Rhythm Nation and sometimes those BART poles come in handy.

But this is like one of those commercials where even Bud Light looks festive. Well done, videographers, ’cause I wanna ride the crap out of some Muni if this is in store.

Via jtschirch, who says, “This was done as a semester-long senior art project at USF. My friends Mikey B. and Andrew filmed it. The music was mixed by my boyfriend David. This is on the 38 Geary bus at about 3 AM one rainy night in San Francisco.”

Hat tip: Amy at Tiny Rides.

Art Imitates Muni in SF Opera Project

Image: ODC Theater in San Francisco

Muni has inspired its share of art, but I never would’ve guessed that included opera. Little did I know until @SFOpera tweeted this to @munidiaries the other day, perking our ears (…eyes?) bigtime:

Muni as art: New opera starts at a San Francisco bus stop.

Really? Yep: it’s called, fittingly, LOVE/HATE. Billed as a modern love story, the show is presented in association with the San Francisco Opera Center. It premiers at the ODC Theater in San Francisco on April 12, 14, and 15.

According to Marina Boudart Harris, in a blog post from Backstage at San Francisco Opera:

The bus stop. It’s a place I often find myself spending time as an Adler Fellow. I currently live in the Inner Richmond area, which is a good forty minutes from the opera house, but you can’t beat the rent or the myriad of multicultural cuisine just steps from your door. Every morning, I wait for the 38 bus with my fellow passengers in silence, and it never ceases to shock me when someone speaks to me. “How strange!” I think to myself, and wonder what it is about me or my demeanor that invites conversation. What gives people the courage to strike up a chat? Such is the subject matter of LOVE/HATE, a modern love story about two people who meet at…you guessed it…the bus stop. And just as life imitates art, art often imitates life.

Interesting subject matter, indeed. For more info and to purchase tickets, visit the ODC Theater website. And send us your own stories about real-life stuff happening on Muni.

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