Now you can wear your Muni paper transfer pride


Remember wind-up clocks? Manual cash registers? Muni paper transfers? The good folks at Studio Nico printed T-shirts and hoodies want you to wear your nostalgic pride.

Hey #SF, feeling nostalgic? We just printed up a bunch of our #sfmuni transfer tees and sweatshirts. Come snag one at @fleetwood_sf or online at!

Other Muni wearables:
New Shirt Combines Muni with My Neighbor Totoro
New Shirt Perfectly Describes the Muni Sickout
New sweatshirt features Muni worm, your mom
New Shirt Explains Your Relationship With Muni
Found: The Most Appropriate NSFW Muni Shirt

h/t @studionico

BART director wants to fine seat hogs $500


Everybody has a transit pet peeve, and BART Director Joel Keller is aiming his pet-peeve-o-meter at seat hogs everywhere. According to SFist, Keller is proposing an ordinance whereby BART police could fine you for taking up more than one seat with your stuff. Right now being rude is not illegal, but with this new rule, offenders could get fined $100 the first time, $200 the second time, and up to $500 for repeated seat hogging, according to the Chronicle.

Read more

BART wants to gamify your commute to solve congestion problems

embarcadero bart station crowded after medical emergency at montgomery station

What’s it gonna take for you change your commute schedule to avoid BART’s most congested times? Some of you might remember that BART bought some new trains (here they are with new interior features), but those trains aren’t going to arrive until 2017. In the meantime, BART is set to launch a commuter game called “BART Perks” to alleviate the congestion issue, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The game gives you extra points if you ride BART at its less congested times, and the points lead to perks that have not yet been announced.

More from the Chronicle:

Enticing just 1,250 people — about the capacity of a 10-car train — to commute a bit earlier or later, officials said, could significantly reduce crowding on trains and station platforms.

The need to spread out the rush is growing. San Francisco’s downtown stations, particularly Montgomery and Embarcadero, have become so overwhelmed with arriving passengers in the morning that BART is planning to run all of its escalators in the up direction to clear platforms. Transbay trains are often packed to the limit, as most commuters have experienced.

… The $1.6 million experiment, funded mostly with grants from federal transportation agencies, is based on successful programs used on crowded transit systems in Singapore and Bangalore, India. Like those, BART Perks was developed by Urban Engines, a Silicon Valley startup focused on mobility.

If you’re the type of person who makes Open Table reservations only at 1,000 point restaurants, or if you clipped coupons in a former life, you can probably see the appeal of this game. BART Perks will be launching this spring so we’ll keep you updated.

h/t: SFist.

Photo via @JimMcNutty

Save the Date: Muni Diaries Live, April 16!

muni diaires live 14 satellite high elbo room

It’s that time again! Your favorite biannual storytelling event, Muni Diaries Live, is about a month away. Come celebrate all the hilarity, camaraderie, and disgusting stuff that can happen on public transit in the Bay Area.

Here’s a sneak peek of our great lineup of storytellers:

  • Baruch Porras-Hernandez
  • Alexa Von Kickinface
  • Chriso
  • Lisa Geduldig

And just added: comedian Matt Lieb and writer Wonder Dave!

We’ll release the full lineup soon, so grab a ticket, pin us to your calendar, and we’ll see you on April 16!

Muni Diaries Live
Saturday, April 16, Door: 6 p.m. Show: 7 p.m.
Elbo Room
647 Valencia Street San Francisco
Take Muni there: J-Church, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, or BART: 16th or 24th St. stations
Photo by Kevin Wong

Giant stuffed animals found everywhere waiting for Muni


This can’t be a coincidence, can it? This floppy giant was found waiting for the bus with its pouty eyes just the other day. The above photo came to us via Harry Mok. If memory serves, other members of the species have been patiently waiting for the bus to come. Is this a thing?

First, the panda.
(original post)

Then this:
(original post)

At least one of them finally caught the bus.

(original post)

In other news: 10 best sleeping positions on Muni.

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