The San Francisco Transit Riders Union is launching its new “Make Transit Awesome” campaign tonight with a kickoff party, and your humble Muni Diaries editor will be part of a panel to talk about the behind-the-scenes gems of documenting your daily commute.
From the San Francisco Transit Riders Union:
We’ve been active in the San Francisco transit community since 2010, slowly growing and now punching above our weight. Everything we’ve accomplished so far has been entirely lead by volunteers with one part-time contractor. We want to step up our game and bring on full-time, permanent staff who can truly devote their time and organizing skills to increasing our reach throughout the city and across all possible transit projects.
We envision a Muni where no matter where you are going, you can get there in 30 minutes. We want to help make this happen by launching a “30 by ’30” campaign, outlining a rider-centric vision of the city’s transit network over the next 15 years.
The Indiegogo campaign has already surpassed its initial goal, and you can hear more about it at the event this evening.
San Francisco Transit Riders Union’s Make Transit Awesome
Party and Campaign Kick off
Thursday Apr 21, 7-9 pm
717 Market Street
Facebook invite
Photo by Todd Lappin