Random nice gesture on Muni or kind of creepy? You decide

origami muni diaries by saytchy

Here is a kind of cute (I think) Muni moment on the 38-Geary from @saytchy on Instagram, who reports: “Some dude on the bus was making cranes, and offering them to female passengers.”

But what about the dudes, dude? Is this kind of odd or kind of cute? Can’t decide, but I do love a surprise moment or two in my week, like a little drawing or a lovely tune.

What’s your Muni moment of the day? Email us at muni.diaries.sf@gmail.com or tag us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

Video: When the 38-Geary is your lifeblood

Storyteller Jesse James and his mom visited San Francisco years before he would eventually moved to the city, and Muni was a large part of the impression Jesse was left with. “All of my stories are on the 38, because it’s the lifeblood …”

Put on your earbuds and enjoy his story over lunch…or on your commute home. This story was recorded at Muni Diaries Live on April 16, 2016, at the Elbo Room. Did you know we’re always looking for storytellers much like yourselves? Pitch your own Muni story at muni.diaries.sf@gmail.com.

Want more transit stories in your ears? From our April show:
BART efficiency expert Mandy Hu
ChrisO’s chance encounter with a thief
Wonder Dave with transit sex stories you can try at home

One good reason for a cable car operator fist bump

cable car diary muni

This Muni moment makes my day:

Only in SF would you get a fist bump from the cable car driver for running through traffic to hop on when he stopped for you. His reply, “Thank goodness that tourist didn’t try to follow you.”

Thanks to @lazataz for submitting this on Instagram! I love hopping on the cable car after going to Trader Joe’s and just enjoying the view, imagining that the tourists around me are envious that this is our ride to the grocery store.

Got your own Muni moment to add? Tag us on Instagram @munidiaries!

Muni wires light up outside SFGate office

A video posted by @sfgate on

It’s not every day that news happens right outside the news office. The Muni wires outside the SFGate office were causing a loud “boom” and fireworks flashed every time an older bus passed by. Above is the video from SFGate’s Instagram account.

Then “the entire @sfgate staff watched the Muni crew fix the wires that were causing the big booms.”

A video posted by @sfgate on


On a separate note, if you haven’t heard about the plan to “flood San Francisco with news of homelessness,” led by the Chronicle in collaboration with just about all the news outlets in the city, check out The New York Times story here.

Tuesday: Make Transit Awesome Happy Hour

muni fast lane station shawnclover
Here’s a good reason to grab a drink or three and hang out with people who love San Francisco and aren’t too snooty to ride the bus. The San Francisco Transit Riders Make Transit Awesome campaign is hosting a happy hour event on Tuesday at The Beer Hall. One dollar of every draft sold between 5–7 p.m. will go to San Francisco Transit Riders toward their Make Transit Awesome IndieGoGo campaign.

Check out the Make Transit Awesome campaign page for details of how your funds will help gain more transit awareness and awesomeness. The campaign goal is $25,000 and ends on May 19.

Make Transit Awesome Happy Hour by San Francisco Transit Riders
Tuesday, May 17, 5–7 p.m.
The Beer Hall
1 Polk Street
Take Muni there: 5, 6, 7, 19, 47, 49, 90, F, J, K, T, L, M, N.

Photo by shawnclover

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