If there ever were a story for the WTF category here at Muni Diaries, this is it.
The Examiner reports that the Muni workers union is calling attention the issue.
“Enough!” wrote Transit Workers Union Local 250-A President Eric D. Williams in a May 26 email blast to operators and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, calling out a rise in assaults on Muni operators, including a rise in spit directed at operators.
Williams also called on operators to stop their vehicle immediately when they are assaulted, and to take it “out of service.” This runs contrary to operators’ practice now, he said, which has been to wait until the end of the line to deal with an incident.
The SFMTA confirmed Wednesday that assaults on Muni operators are on the rise, though agency officials said rarely if ever are operators instructed to finish their routes after they are assaulted.
Spitting on the sidewalk is bad enough, you guys. But even if you have a beef with a bus driver, there are, uh, more civilized ways to take out your frustrations.
Read the Examiner post here.
Photo by stefan klocek