Reminder: Muni Diaries Pub Crawl, Tomorrow!

redmunisfOMG, it’s one day away: The first-ever Muni Diaries pub crawl.

Come out to schmooze and booze it with Muni Diaries editors, readers, and contributors. We’re looking forward to putting faces with some familiar names we’ve grown to love over the past several months. Here’s your chance to do the same, and to get your midweek drink on, to boot! The forecast calls for clear skies (remember those?), so there’s even more reason to celebrate.

Feel free to join for all or some of the event as we snake our way from Church and Market over to the Mission. Here’s the schedule:

6 p.m.: Lucky 13: 2140 Market St. between 15th Street and Church. (routes: J, K/T, F, N, S, M, L, 22, 37)

7:45ish: We’ll move on to Dalva: 3121 16th St. between Valencia and Guerrero (we’ll take the 22 from Lucky 13. See’s alternatives if you’re starting here)

9ish: Finally, to Doc’s Clock: 2575 Mission between 21st and 22nd streets (we’ll either take the 14 or 49 — here are alternative routes if you’re joining here)

It’s not too late to RSVP on our Facebook page, if you haven’t already.

Look for tweets, diaries, and photos to come out of this event, beginning in real-time.

See you tomorrow!


Muni Diaries

Photo by Flickr user/amazing photoblogger/Muni photos pool member WHAT IM SEEING dot com

Dear John

As with a number of interpersonal issues, writing a letter (with the optional step of posting it on the internet) can be a productive outlet to air one’s grievances. So …

Dearest Singing Guy on the 49 (Bus 7020),

You’re an asshat. But unlike a long line of asshats before you, you at least seem to know it.

I got on around 8 p.m. at Van Ness/Otis, that janky excuse for a block with Power Exchange on it. I only rode until 20th Street, but you actually managed to sing the whole time. But I guess god explicitly forbade you from singing something good, or even bad in a fun way. Whatever it was sounded like something my nephew would find on Barney. While you seem to be at or around the same developmental level as him (my nephew, not Barney. Well, actually…) you still looked closer to 30 than to 3. Unacceptable.

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Muni Mani-Pedi (Say It Three Times!)

mani-pediOur very own Suzanne was trolling Flickr getting our Muni photo pool together and found this other captivating Flickr Group Pool: Muni Mani-Pedi. It is, very much so, what it sounds like — photos of people snip-snapping away, and probably subsequently depositing their clippings for the rest of us to relish.

If you’ve captured photos or (even barfier) videos of this strange but much-too-frequent phenomenon, send them to us and the Flickr group.

Don’t piss off the Pregnant Lady

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pregnancy is making me mean
Today the muni was crowded. I had to wait forever for the L. I had the smarts to take whatever train to West P. and then wait for the L so most of the train ride wasn’t so bad. However, when I got on the L it was super crowded. I unbuttoned my jacket, stuck my pregnant belly out as far as I could and no one gave me a seat. In fact, most of the other Sunset residents on the train closed their eyes and pretended I wasn’t there.
I decided to choose a target.
I saw a 20 year old girl who I thought had a strong back and should give me her seat. I stood right beside her and stared at her. I didn’t take my eyes off of her. Then she turned up her ipod and closed her eyes. I moved closer to the point where everytime the train jerked, my belly hit her shoulder. I wish it would have hit her head, but my belly isn’t that big yet. Then I got a seat, perpendicular to her. I positioned my feet and my backpack so she had to really squirm to get out of her seat. When she did, I moved my foot a little bit and tripped her. She didn’t fall. She just stumbled for half a second. After I did it, I didn’t exactly feel bad, but I did notice how mean pregnancy is making me. Does this make me a bad person?

Pulling out the flask on the 5 (and other bus boozing)

jim-beam-hip-flaskI’ve noticed a lot more substance abuse on Muni lately. I’m not talking about the teenagers smoking pot or even drunk USF frat boys on a Friday night. I’m talking about morning and evening rush hour, regular-looking adults boozing it up on the bus. It started a few weeks ago on my evening commute home on the 5. This late-twenties-looking redheaded guy in hipster work attire busted out a flask. Now, since a flask is classier than a brown bag and it was the evening I guess he can be excused. I know I enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner. Maybe he was just getting a head start.

Then last week the morning substance abuse started to appear. I was on the 30 heading down to SoMa. Sitting across from me was a perfectly upstanding-looking, 50-something man who appeared to be on his way to work. Then what did he pull from his messenger bag, not an iPhone or a muffin, but a wine cooler. A fuzzy navel, bright orange, enjoyed by 18-year-old girls, wine cooler. At first I was unsure what it was, since I don’t think I’ve seen a wine cooler in 6 years, but it was Bartels and James in its full glory. He meticulously wrapped a paper towel around it and began sipping away. When I relayed the story to a co-worker, she responded quickly, “It’s the economy, he probably doesn’t have a job.” I can’t say I agreed at the time, if I didn’t have a job and I had a drinking problem I would be in bed on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m., but I’ve never been a morning person.

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