3 Things I Love About My Morning Commute

1. The Wave-Hello Guy. If you walk to BART on 16th Street around 8:30 a.m., you’re likely to pass him. He’s always smiling wide and waving hello to everyone who crosses his path. I assume he is going to Creativity Explored, but really I have no idea. He’s a white guy, probably in his late thirties, balding with a black backpack. He gets really happy if you say hello and wave back. It’s a great feeling. Today when I waved back, he gestured for a high five, and I gave him one. Maybe it was silly, but I couldn’t help smiling as I walked on.

2. The silence. I love being surrounded by people who are all in the same quiet state. There’s a sense of togetherness and peace. (Yoga might be getting to me). But really, as long as it’s not crazy-crowded like getting on a train at Church and Market, it’s nice to sit among strangers and just be quiet for little bit before the bustling of the day starts. It’s a moment of pause. Some people read, others think and daydream, and some even dose off — which to me is also a sign of feeling safe in your surroundings.

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Transit News Digest 2.27.09

For today’s installment, we begin with Matt Yglasias, who found a cool detail in the omnibus budget proposal our president recently sent Congress: $1 billion a year for high-speed rail on top of the $8 billion given through the recently passed stimulus package. Hip-hip, hooray!

Zeroing in on the Bay Area, numerous news orgs are covering planned protests at Fruitvale BART this evening, largely expected to shut the station down and make your Friday commute a little more hellish than it otherwise would’ve been.

And even closer to home in San Francisco, Rescue Muni details the impending action Muni might take against Kavai Muao-Harris, that cranky Muni union worker who f*#ked everyone’s day up a few weeks ago just ‘cuz.

As a reminder: Critical Mass is tonight, so if you’re planning a Muni commute, get ready to wait.

For up-to-date Muni and BART news, follow us on Twitter. And poke around our list of who we’re following, too. There’s just too many awesome sources of information out there to ignore any longer.

And as always, if you’ve got Muni news, tips, stories, or advice, we’re always accepting.

Have a great weekend!


Muni Diaries

Arm cast = disabled?

Some of our most popular stories center on the issue of being disabled — whether you’re blind, pregnant, or elderly — and how the rest of us iPod-wearing, briefcase-toting zombie commuters could stand to … stand on a crowded BART or Muni bus.

In some cases, being oblivious to a pregnant lady will get you tripped on a bus. In other cases, being this guy on a crowded BART train will get certain pregnant contributors to this website to shame you and your seat-hogging ass.

In still other cases, some people don’t need seats, but will insist that they do.

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