Good Morning, My American Friends!


I love my outbound L train conductor so much. Here are some things he has told us:

Good morning, my American friends! We are on time today! (What? It’s 8:31!)

Help us stay on time. It is up to you. Anticipate your exit. Be patient. We all work together. America is beautiful, and trust me, I’ve lived in a lot of places. Everyone here helps each other.

It is a beautiful morning! I request this time for working because you are all so special to me. Someone out there loves you. Muni loves you. You are just beginning your day, but I am ending mine now. Have a beautiful day.

One time he told us the set-up of a joke at the start of the tunnel and told us the answer at Embarcadero. I want to write to Muni and tell them how great he is, but I keep forgetting to write down the coach number.

Photo by Flickr user The Retrospective.


Share your own Muni driver story! One can only hope we have more drivers like this.

Muni accident at Fourth and Townsend? (Update)

Update: SFMTA’s Twitter alias informs us, via Via @SFMuniRy, it seems someone fell trying to alight from or get on a coach. No real ‘info’ though.

Original post: shannonk from Twitter alerted us, indirectly, to this incident at Fourth and Townsend today. Now SFMuniRy is on the case. According to them, the incident involves a Muni coach and a pedestrian. Ouch.

Here are @shannonk‘s tweets:

no idea if the bus hit the guy, or he just collapsed near or in the bus and was subsequently moved.

Muni bus stopped w/firetruck in front of it, guy under it, close to front wheels. Did not see the initial event, though.

Hmmm. Folks taking cell pics of Muni crash victim @ 4th and Townsen: citizen journalism or creepy exploitation?

If you’ve got details or saw the incident, let us (and the SFPD) know.

Transit News Digest: SFPD, Spotted on Muni? Nat Ford — Stay or Go?


It sure was a busy weekend on the wires for transit news. While we would’ve loved to have been out in the cold, breezy sunshine, instead we were stuck indoors, with our eyes glued to the wires. Here’s what we found.

SF Appeal followed up with answers to their question, Have you ever seen SFPD on Muni? The article includes an interesting field report from Steve Rhodes. And San Francisco Citizen caught wind of a wicked photo of a Muni bus that had been co-opted by the police during Saturday’s war protests. Still trying to get to the bottom of the bizarre SFPD-SFMTA-City and County of San Francisco love triangle. We’ll let you know what we and others find.

Just before we left the office Friday, we noticed this article on Streetsblog, picking up on this report from The Examiner, which asks the pertinent question: Should Nat Ford stay or go? The original reporting in The Examiner’s post sounds like Ford’s departure is a done deal. It seems to us the rumors of his leaving serve as its justification at this point. Better to get someone new in who’s committed to not using the position of general manager as a stepping stone, we say.

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