BART engages LA Metro in Twitter haiku battle

Oh shit, pop the popcorn, you guys! Here it all is, in the order in which it transpired.



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Found: A very special manspreader

manspreading muni diaries jack lakeshore

Attention, everyone: We’ve found the most special man in San Francisco! You know how we know? Look at him here on Muni: his very special, large but delicate balls need — no, we should say deserve — their own space while he reads his very special book, probably pondering especially important thoughts that only he can conjure, because he is such a special unique snowflake. How dare you suggest that he should scoot over for someone else to sit down while he is doing such important work? His universe has no time for such pedestrian ideas like kindness and courtesy, so leave this special man be!

We found this latest manspreading offender courtesy of Muni rider Jack Lakeshore on the Muni Diaries Facebook page. If you find any other special people on Muni like this guy or this equal-opportunity womanspreader, holler at us #munidiaries.

Muni bus as Pinewood Derby car is errything

You guys just can’t stop with the Muni <3, can you?

WonderlandSF sells these bad boys, and says they still have some available. My birthday is right around the corner, you know?

Here’s a video of the pinewood derby cars racing at the Wonderland store. Wonderland is on 1266 Valencia between 24th and 23rd, so you can go and check it out for yourself.

Previously …
This Muni cake is here to make your day
Friends surprise new Muni operator with super-custom cake
Gifts For Muni Lovers (Haters Too)
Muni Love/Hate in Collage Form

There will be no more paper Muni transfers in the near future


First, they came for our paper Fast Passes, and we did nothing. Well, we did things*

Now, they’re coming for our paper Muni transfers! We will not stand for this! (But, of course, we will stand for this). SFBay has the story:

The current fareboxes, which date back to 1991, will be replaced with machines that can print real-time passes as soon as Muni riders pay their fare. As reported by SFBay, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency has been shopping through proposals from potential contractors since last year.

San Franciscans have been making things out of the transfers for years. And the more crafty among us have been splicing and dicing transfers to squeeze a little more time out of the suckers.

Good times, they end. [sad face]

Read the full story on SFBay and cry in your soup with us.

Muni Fast Pass lamp modestly lights the room
Cool New Muni Fast Pass Posters Feature Your Neighborhood
Fast Pass Bookmark?
Fast Pass wallets are back! (well, they were …)
Creative Uses of Your Fast Passes
Muni DIY: Fast Pass Pillow from Just Crafty Enough
Muni Art: Fast Pass, Oil on Wood

Photo above by David

This is not the type of car Muni imagined for its tunnels


Well, well. Lookee there, wouldya? Muni rider Reece floated this one over to us via Here’s Reece:

I was waiting for the N with my pup when a woman suddenly zooms into the Muni tunnel. ~10 minutes later, we see her trying to back out (she was stuck), with an inbound N hot on her heels. It took a good 5 minutes (and lots of yelling from the Muni workers) before she freed herself.

The rivalry between Muni and automobiles continues …

Those red bus-only lanes on Mission: hot or not?

red bus lane mission muni diaries burrito justice

Mission hangers-about are familiar with those hard-to-miss red bus lanes on Mission Street. Some of those people, including local business owners and Supervisor David Campos, say they’re annoying and are looking to walk back their implementation.

The lanes were part of the Mission Street Improvement Project, which established bus-only lanes on Mission Street from 14th Street to 30th Street.

Small business owners and Supervisor Campos claim that the bus-only lanes are hurting the bottom line, but can anyone really accurately estimate how much businesses were hurt by transit options? As Streetsblog points out:

Studies show that businesses tend to get it wrong about how many customers arrive by car. Regardless, figuring how it impacts bottom lines on Mission would be difficult. A sampling of businesses would have to offer their books for an audit. And then if sales receipts really went down from this time last year, it would have to be compared to businesses a few blocks away, to make sure it’s not a reflection of the regional economy.

Business owners interviewed by Streetsblog, however, point to the bus lanes as the reason for decline. In terms of estimating how much business comes from car-drivers versus Muni riders, SFMTA says that Mission street carries  over 65,000 Muni riders each day, and about 8,000 cars travel along Mission street. In addition to looking like our very own Muni red carpet — “14! 14, what are you wearing!?” — an SFMTA press release says the bus-only lanes have, thus far, improved travel-time reliability and reduced collisions.

But as Campos said in the release, “I want to make sure that the project works for everyone and takes into account the unique aspects of the Mission.”

To be fair, governing by 100-percent consensus is San Francisco’s favorite tune, and you will not take that away from those elected to govern, by god!

Bus-only lanes: Hot or not?

Photo by Burrito Justice

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