They’re just like us: Oakland A’s players on BART

Photo: CSN Bay Area Sports’ Brodie Brazil’s Facebook page

This isn’t a “who’s the asshole manspreading in the disabled seats” post — no, no, there is a special circle of Muni Diaries shame for those. Look closer, sports fans.

Per CSN Bay Area Sports’ Brodie Brazil, Oakland A’s pitcher Sonny Gray and outfielder Billy Burns, standing left, are hella taking BART. Major delays were predicted due to Bay Bridge construction, and these guys are clearly paying attention.

A reader/rider on the scene, who says this was taken after Monday night’s Battle of the Bay matchup against the Giants, commented on Brazil’s FB post, saying they were “so unassuming and could have been mistaken for regular college guys with their backpacks on!”

Those backpacks don’t happen to be designed by other Oakland A’s teammates and prominently (boldly, fantastically) feature unicorns?

Bonus: Gray is featured in the green-collar baseball ad near the middle of the pic.

(h/t: A’s fan Ericka. Go, Giants.)

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Snazzy new fareboxes: Coming soon to a Muni near you


Last week, we told you about the end of an era: the departure of paper transfers because SFMTA was looking to upgrade farebox technology. This week, SFMTA approved the new fareboxes, diagrammed above, that will print out receipt-like transfers when you board the bus, reports The approved contract for $21.9 million will mean the installation of 1,336 new fareboxes for cash-paying riders, according to

Here’s what the new transfers will look like:

Yeah, well, OK. While the images feel more descriptive of a Vertsateller machine from the ’80s or a prop from Back to the Future, we accept that it’s probably more efficient, if less “San Francisco” — an outcome that always requires at least one sad face emoji.

That’s right, gone are those nights when you feel like you’ve won the lottery because the driver gave you a Late Night transfer, so get your nostalgic transfer shirts (or tattoos) soon.

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