Help us win Best of the Bay 2009!

munidiaries_logo2Hold on, hold on! This ain’t no solicitation for money. We don’t have any either, and we’ve managed to run this site for next to nothing.

No, this is a simple notice that today at noon 5 p.m., voting in the SF Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay 2009 poll will close. Today will be your (and all your friends’ and family’s) last chance to tell the Guardian (and the world) how awesome this site is by choosing us as Best local blog.

The incentive? Here’s our imagined scenario: We win (shameless? okay …) and Jerry Brown just happens to read the Best of the Bay awards issue. He wins the Democratic nomination for governor of California, he wins the governor’s seat, he solves all the problems of the state and becomes, yet again, nationally recognized. But he never forgets that Muni Diaries is the best blog in the Bay Area, and by God, he takes that knowledge with him … all the way to the White House in 2016! At the presidential inauguration on January 20, 2017, Muni Diaries is mentioned, as a shining example of an outstanding …

Or not. Maybe we just win. Or place. Either way, we’re humbled by your votes. All several thousand of them.

Have a great day, and check back later as we return to our normal programming.


Muni Diaries

Cable Car Confessions #11: Top 10 Manners

Time for the June 2009 edition of Cable Car Confessions. This month, Laura shares 10 common-sense etiquette rules for the cable car, some of which apply to all Muni vehicles. Pay attention, riders!

Ding ding all aboard. “Next stop Powell Street Chinatown. Tickets please show me your tickets please.” The locals know the following 10 ten list of manners and etiquette on the cable car. Some I agree with and others I try to remember to follow. Either way, riding the cable car is my favorite method of public transportation. Wouldn’t it be yours if you lived in San Francisco?

I have some questions for the woman I saw applying her mascara the other day, during rush hour on the cable car. Does she know that there are some spoken and unspoken manners and etiquette rules? My cable car confession to you is that I wish I knew some of the items on this list before I started riding the cable car. It was a lot of fun learning them though. (Click here to get all caught up with the other cable car confessions.)

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Time to Sport Those Leopard-Printed Undies


Update: Please send in pictures and stories if you participate or witness the ride tomorrow.

Original post: This one is totally up my alley. Tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 10, is the 8th annual “no pants” subway day. If you’re like me and keep your fashion gems hidden under antiquated garb, then tomorrow is your day to expose (literally) your fashion prowess. Show off your cool undies and socks while going totally pantless without a hint of guilt.

Brave partakers rendezvous at Dalva in the Mission at 2 p.m., then head to the 16th Street BART at 2:30 p.m. and ride around for what will surely be a crowd-arousing event. You’ll get off at Embarcadero, take the N, and finish the revelry in the Castro.

Sex God on the 38L


Photo by Flickr user Nitniziv


From Muni rider Karoline …

It was a lazy day – so I took the bus instead of walking. I got lucky, an aisle seat on the 38L near the back door.

Or so I thought.

As we stop near Union square, a child is about one foot away from me. I see her take a big wipe at her runny nose with her hand and then immediately grab the pole. Gross! I remind myself that this is exactly why I wash my hands as soon as I get home.

Then, from the back of the bus I hear a young man is talking to his friend about a sexual encounter. Yes, the snot-child near me could hear it, too. He’s talking very loudly about the AMAZING blow job he got. “She sucked me so good,” he says. “It felt so good” and “her booty was bangin’!”

Bloody Footprints on the 19th St BART

Um, yeah. Wow. This email arrived in our inbox last night. Anyone know anything more about this? Were you there? With a possible BART union strike looming, this doesn’t provide much comfort. And plus, bodily fluids are Muni’s realm, right?

100% saw fresh bloody footprints going down into the 19th St Bart in Oakland around 6:30pm Sunday. Told the lady at the window, she nodded like it wasn’t a big deal. Everyone around me saw them too, absolutely not fake! I was too scared to go down, ended up taking a cab back to the city!

Are the Red House Painters on the loose again?

No photos were attached, sadly.

Seen potential police situations on Bay Area transit? Let us (and the authorities) know …

Why I Will Never Ride the 27 Bryant Again (or at least for a while)

So I am boarding the 27 Bryant bus at Union Square heading home about 20 minutes ago. I should have learned my lesson after the incident of a crack head spit fight contest on that bus while my childhood friend was in town. But hey, that was an isolated incident, right?

Back to the story.  This homeless guy gets on the bus and sits down and starts eating some foul smelling Chinese food. I mean, this stuff smelled like it should have been refrigerated three days ago and discarded two days ago. So he is slopping this stuff down when an older lady asked the homeless man for a seat stating, ” The bus is full and your bag is in the seat next to you. Do you mind giving up the seat you bag is in?”

He states, ” Sure, if you want but I have killer lice that I can’t get rid of.”

Everyone on the bus began to simultaneously itch. The elder woman naturally decided to stand. As we travel he is slopping down this stuff and everyone is turning green. He finishes and then starts asking everyone on the bus if they have a bottle of water because he’s damn thirsty. Everyone is like, “No.”

The elder lady then says, “You know, I am sure you can get some water if you get off the bus.”

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