Attack of the Dragon on the 38-Geary

Two demon thingies
Photo by Flicker user Maramusine

I get it, San Francisco is a town full of geeks. Moscone plays hosts to Wonder-Con or Comic-Con or some type of Geek-Con. As we do with all walks of life, San Francisco welcomes the Geeks. So I wasn’t surprised to be riding the 38-Geary and overhear a teenage boy on his cell phone talking about wizards and dragons. It seemed pretty normal actually, until a minute later when his conversation took a turn for the worse.

My ears perked up when he said, “Well, you know, at first when he said he was from another planet I thought he was a gamer, I mean dragons and war lords from other planets are pretty rare, you know.”

(Writer’s note: “Pretty rare?” I think they’re up there with the unicorns my grandma thinks are real, but I digress.)

From what I could gather from his phone conversation, some really scary dragon and alien war lord have arrived in San Francisco and contacted our young friend on the Internet and now want to kill his whole family. It’s unclear why they chose this random kid to have a battle with but my guess is because he’s telling a bus full of people all their alien secrets. With my luck, the dragon will attack the 38 bus while I’m on it.

Newsworthy Muni-Accident Streak Stands at 2 Days (updates)

F Market Bus
Photo by Whole Wheat Toast

Update (4:12 p.m. Wednesday): SF Appeal reports that the pedestrian in this incident is expected to recover.

Update (5:55 p.m.): SF Gate quotes Judson True as saying that early indications have the incident being caused by the pedestrian.

Original post: In what is becoming too routine, SF Appeal reports that the F-Market/Wharves line has been disrupted due to an accident involving a pedestrian. Early reports indicate that the pedestrian’s injuries are not life-threatening. Shuttle buses are running between the Embarcadero and Van Ness. Stay tuned for updates …

Confused Riders on the Outbound J

i took the J church TO start everything off, but it doesn't really count
Photo by Flickr user dennis

This hilarious-yet-sad anecdote came to the Muni Diaries inbox last week from Muni rider Eric G:

I got on the J at 34th and Judah. For those not in the know, the N sometimes goes outbound to Ocean Beach, then becomes an outbound J. This means it turns onto Church St instead of going into the tunnel.

Of course, this confuses a lot of people. One woman asked me if it would go to Civic Center. “Nope,” I replied.

A few minutes later, a second woman asked if the whole train was going into the tunnel, or just the first half. “This train will turn at the next stop,” I explained.

Thing is, this woman wasn’t just a regular Muni rider. She was a fare inspector. And to make matters worse, she was leading a group of fare inspectors.

I don’t blame her for not knowing. But I think this is symptomatic of Muni not training their employees nearly well enough.

Have you ever been confused about the direction your train was going? Send us all your Muni stories today!

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