Supervisor candidate wants to add new Mission BART station
How would you like a new BART station? District 9 supervisor candidate Joshua Arce is announcing his new plan this morning for the south of Cesar Chavez area of the Mission, and it involves a new BART station. No, not the movie set BART station in the photo above; Arce wants to add a new BART station on Mission and 30th streets.
Arce is set to announce his “Mission South of Cesar Chavez Sustainable Neighborhood Plan” with California Assemblyman David Chiu and BART Board Director Nicholas Josefowitz. His press release says that the plan will “build thousands of units of housing affordable for all San Franciscans, provide long term support for small businesses.”
The event will be held at the Safeway Parking Lot (3350 Mission St.) at 10 a.m. today.