Weekend Photos

While we await the flood of BART stories that is sure to overtake us at any moment now (;)), we’re going to treat Friday the same way we do over at Muni Diaries: with a collection of some of our favorite photos from the BART Photos Flickr pool. Enjoy, and have a safe weekend.

*Remember that Monday marks the first day of a schedule adjustment for BART.

BART exposure
Photo by Flickr user GrimReynard

Photo by Flickr user Troy McClure SF

Creepy stairs in Montgomery BART
Photo by Flickr user echoes71

Bart car
Photo by Flickr user napolifd

BART's miniature train
Photo by Flickr user moppet65535

Photo by Flickr user itsolivia

Want your photos included in the next roundup, or anywhere on BART Diaries? Tag them to the BART Photos group on Flickr, and we’ll consider it.

The Fare-Evasion Crackdown: Is it working?

muni transfer machine / honeycomb wall
Photo by Flickr user emilychang

Is riding for free the second-oldest profession? Sometimes, it sure seems so. I’ll admit, I dabbled in it a bit as a kid. But something happened along the way, when I decided to stop acting for the sake of action.

In any case, SF Weekly checks in with MTA’s crackdown on fare-cheats, and, according to Judson True, netting around 100 offenders per day is a sign of success.

BART Photos on Flickr

Pink plastic bags
Photo by Flickr user echoes71

Hi everyone,

Though BART Diaries was begun by the same people who started and moderate Muni Diaries, we’re a whole new beast. We’re about as different as the systems we write about. Sure, Muni and BART have the same goal in mind — moving people for a still relatively low fee from Point A to Point B. But anyone who’s taken a ride (or been taken for a ride, as it were) on both systems knows the vast contrast between the two systems.

So here on BART Diaries, we’ll need to reach out every now and then, to remind you that you make this site what it is. It is your stories, your photos, your news tips, that will fill the posts here.

On that note, we’d like to announce our very own place on Flickr for BART photos. This is a place you can tag your BART photos for potential use as a photo diary, or to be considered for “stock photos,” the more generic pictures we use to enhance almost every post.

So keep on sending your stories to us (bartdiaries@gmail.com) and be sure and tag your Flickr photos to the BART Photos group. Help us spread the word, out to the ends of the lines (talking about you, Millbrae, Richmond, Pittsburg, Dublin and Pleasanton, and Fremont), and let’s shape this into the awesome site it has the potential to be. Happy commuting and storytelling!

Commuter Nation at Embarcadero tomorrow morning

Just got this press-releasey bit from Commuter Nation, announcing a thingymabob they’re doing tomorrow morning at Embarcadero. This could benefit you if you commute on a regular basis and are lucky enough to have a jobby-job:

San Franciscans can cut commuting costs by 40% with Commuter Nation

What: Commuter Nation campaign to educate commuters in the greater San Francisco metropolitan area about commuter benefits. Street teams will hand out educational and engaging tools that commuters can share with their employer. Additionally, commuters will be directed to visit http://www.commuternation.com, a high-impact online experience allowing commuters to entertainingly spread the word to their employers, coworkers, friends, and family through a personalized tour of Commuter Nation (think “Elf Yourself!”).

Who: Commuter Nation is an initiative to bring awareness and encourage commuting employees to learn about and participate in commuter benefits through their employer. Commuter Nation is an initiative by Commuter Check the leading provider of commuter benefits solutions designed to accommodate employers of all sizes and their employees’ commuting preferences.

When: Wednesday, September 9th Commuter Nation Street Teams in Embarcadero Station from 7 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. & 4 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Where: Street Teams will be in Embarcadero Station, San Francisco.

Why: Amidst recession panic and the recent Muni & BART fare increases, your readers are most certainly unhappy about paying more money each month to commute. Yet, most are unaware that they could decrease the burden of commuting costs and mitigate the impact of the fare hike by participating in commuter benefits through their employer. Commuter Nation gives them the tools they need to understand and effectively communicate the relevance and timeliness of providing commuter benefits in the workplace.

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