Graceful Harp at Montgomery Street Station

muni station harp

Did you see this elegant harpist at the Montgomery Street station the other day? Another harpist, last seen here, was delighting his fellow commuters on the bus with his mini harp! We’re all for buskers, like this chamber music quartet, this cellist at the 16th Street BART station, and especially this musician with this very unusual instrument.

Thanks to @commutelife for submitting this Muni moment to us on Instagram.

Can we please have 1970s BART uniforms back right now?

1970s bart uniform muni diaries

Things that were better in the ’70s: Star Wars, hair, and … BART uniforms. Check out this amazing photo from BART’s Twitter account (@SFBART). These BART uniforms from the 1970s might be even better than flight attendant uniforms. The bows, the super fly collar, and that fabulous tie. Can we please bring them back?

Want more groovy blast from the past? Check out this 1980s Muni metro birthday party (we even have a video!)

Interactive map shows where SF’s streetcars used to go

interactive street car map chris carvin muni diaries

Where did San Francisco’s streetcar lines go before our time? Designer Chris Arvin used information from the SFMTA photo archive, OpenSFHistory, and two other historic books to create an interactive map of our city’s public transit history. You can choose a decade—1940s or 1960s and hover over the map to see old streetcar routes. Arvin created the map using MapBox.

When you hover over the map, you might see some unfamiliar streetcar route names (some of them featured on Randolph Ruiz’s 1932 street car map).

Arvin shared some thoughts with Hoodline about what motivated him to create the map:

Since I’ve moved to San Francisco and fallen in love with the city, I’ve caught glimpses of the history of our public transit in many places—SFMTA’s posters at transit stops, sites like Old SF (and Hoodline!) and even seeing the partial remnants of tracks in the road in Potrero. There’s something I love about seeing old photos of street corners I immediately recognize, but in such a different context.

Gotta love people who love San Francisco! You can read the rest of the interview on Hoodline and play with the map here.

Crow-M-G!!! Bird flies into Muni bus


Update/correction: Cynthia has let us know that the bird seen above is a raven, not a crow. The headline stands, though, because I said it does.

She wrote about her experience with the bird on Muni over on Have a read!

Original post: Via the Twitters, Muni rider Cynthia had a rather unexpected fellow passenger over the weekend:

“TFW a crow flies into your bus and becomes your new best friend.”

All I can think is, What would I do/think if a crow wanted to friend me? Would it mean I was at death’s door and the bird was just biding time until he could devour my entrails? More like, WHAT ELSE COULD IT POSSIBLY MEAN?

BART cops arrest, punch young black man

Update (10:10 a.m.): A BART spokesperson said in a series of tweets that there had been a report of a possible armed robbery and that a 22-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of resisting arrest and battery on a peace officer. The case has been referred to internal affairs for investigation and apparently there is footage of the incident. At least one of the officers involved was wearing a body camera.

Original post: In the video above and other videos found on the Hunger For Justice SF Facebook page, BART police are seen last night subduing a young black man in handcuffs at the Embarcadero BART station. The officers then punched the young man while he was on the ground in handcuffs.

In response to Friday’s incident, Hunger For Justice SF has planned a protest today at 2 p.m. at Embarcadero Station to demand that SFPD release the young men.

h/t William Fitzgerald

How to survive a crowded BART train

BART’s ridership is at an all-time high, and the agency reminds us in this commonsense video on how to survive a crowded BART train. I hope at least a few more people will now actually put their backpacks between their feet on a crowded train!

Other tips include riding the first or last train, offering your seat to riders in need, and for god’s sake, don’t try to force the door open. Even if it doesn’t hold up the train, you’ll die a thousand deaths from the shade that your fellow riders will be throwing at you.

Thanks to your contribution, we have a few more tips to add:

  1. Don’t, whatever you do, ride shoeless on BART. Gross.
  2. Transport your refrigeration appliances (large or large-ish) during non-commute hours.
  3. Quit that manspreading (or woman-spreading)—it’s just not necessary.
  4. Wait until you get home to do your nails (Princess Dog’s pet-icure can wait, too).

Got any other tips for surviving BART? Our inbox ( is wide open!

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