Photo by Flickr user ashleyniblock
The weekend brought a round of amusing Craigslist Muni Missed Connections, courtesy of tattoos and LoveFest.
Black glasses, black stripe tattoos on arms… – m4w (31 Muni Bus)
“You only got on the Muni briefly, and got off at the college. Your left arm has one fairly solid, wide black stripe tattoo on it, the right arm had what looked like 2 or 3 thin solid black stripes, and you were wearing a white tshirt, jeans and black glasses.
You’re beyond cute….like, way beyond cute!!!
I wonder what it’d take for a guy like me to take you out for a drink or something….”
I really love it when Missed Connections are, like, long, semi-drown-out conversations.
Beautiful Asian lady – m4w
“You and I held the same bar… in that crowded muni. I think you are beautiful. I doubt if you noticed me. Coffee?” (italics, ours)
The same bar??? Uh, cute.
Girl in the red hat – 71L at 8:30 am – m4w (haight ashbury)
“Normally I pass on MUNI, but this morning I took the 71L downtown. We sat next to each other, eventually. I’m groggy in the mornings, but wanted to say I thought your nail polish — a funky blue color — was pretty cool. That’s all.”
Could a chance ride and some funky nails be the seeds of romance?
29 Bus – Sunset/SFSU – m4w – 22 (sunset / parkside)
“I see you on the 29 bus a few times a week, both in the morning on the way to SFSU and in the afternoon on the way home. More often than not, the bus is crowded and we end up at opposite ends, so I figure this is the most convenient option for the time being, since it doesn’t require me yelling over the heads of fellow muni riders at you, a girl I’ve yet to meet. I’m not sure we’ll ever talk, but you’re almost excessively cute and catch my eye every time we ride.
Here’s to seeing you tomorrow!”
College love. Charming.
On the Muni with my bike and 2 friends. You are the gorgeous redhead. – m4w – 26 (We got off at Steiner)
“You got on the bus, I forget where, I had 2 of my buddies with me, and we all had bikes. I saw your friend, who I thought was cute, then I saw you. I normally am not attracted to redheads, but you are gorgeous. Perfect face and beautiful hair. Cute style, and red painted toenails with white snowflakes or stars? lol not sure. I looked up at you a couple times, and we made eye contact, but just felt weird that you were with your friend and I was with mine. Then as I was getting off the bus you definitely gave me an amazing smile through the bus windows. Doubt you will read this, but you are amazingly beautiful. So if you do. I’m Shaun. Tell me what I was wearing and what I looked like.”
A night of browsing for Muni Missed Connections simultaneously makes me believe in both chance encounters and total wastes of time. It’s the romantic/cynic in me.
If you’ve spotted a hottie, attainable or not, on Muni lately, let us know.