Muni, Also a Fun Place to Be

Muni49by Julie_sm
Click here for a larger version

Julie over at Caliber took this photo on the 49. The kids, gleefully playing a handheld game, didn’t seem to notice her taking the picture. After a few weeks of drama and violence on Muni, I was so thankful to get this picture from Julie. Sometimes — a lot of times — little charming things like this happen on the bus and around the city and make living here all worthwhile again.

Caliber, by the way, is a new, amazing photography website by Bay Area photographers Stuart Dixon, Brad Evans, Troy Holden (formerly Plug1), and Julie Michelle. Check ’em out if you haven’t already!

Captured an unexpected moment on Muni? Share it with us.

Massive downpour forces underground Muni closure

Update: And … no sooner do we post than we hear that service is restored, although trains are apparently bypassing Van Ness Station. Update from ActionNewsSF.

Original post: According to several Twitter sources and SFist, Muni has suspended all subway service after extensive flooding at several stations.

The agency (SFMTA) plans to have more buses on the streets to try to alleviate what’s expected to be a huge commute-ache. Good luck out there!

How are you getting around the problem?

Weekend Photos

Photo by Tangobaby
The rain storm gave us  a good smackdown this week. Elsewhere in transit news:

– Translink for cops and fixing cameras are parts of the plan to protect Muni riders (via SFAppeal)

– New aqua addition to the F-line (via Market Street Railway Blog)

– Sacto transit agency to try “Ride to Abide,” banning misbehaving passengers on their transit. Good idea for Muni? (via Streetsblog)

– Muni delays caused by problems with central control (via SF Examiner)

Have a great weekend and enjoy these great photos below, everybody. And if you make it to the Trolley Dance, make sure to send us a picture or a report!

Photo by Flickr user Brian_Brooks

Photo by Flickr user fred_zilla

Deadline near for Muni obituary submissions

2009-12-04 08.41.48

Update (Sunday, October 18, 10 a.m.): The good kind of Muni delay?

Bearing out the comment by insider trading, we’ve confirmed that the scheduled route terminations have been pushed back yet again, this time to early December.

So, we’ll extend our deadline yet again. New deadline for Muni obituaries is Sunday, November 22.

Hi. Just a quick post to remind you to send us your respects for those bus lines going out of service next month. To recap, they are:

* 4-Sutter
* 7-Haight
* 16AX-Noriega “A” Express
* 20-Columbus
* 26-Valencia
* 53-Southern Heights
* 89-Laguna Honda

We’ve received a handful, and have plenty for the 26-Valencia and 20-Columbus. But the other lines sure could use more love. The weekend is a perfect time to pay tribute to your favorite dying Muni line. We’ll be closing the window for submissions at the end of the day Sunday.

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