Vintage Muni cars found in tiny Oregon town

vintage n judah muni diaries san francisco remembered

What are these old Muni cars doing in a town with a population of 398? Jen Q. posted these photos in the San Francisco Remembered Facebook group when she went to the tiny town of Brooks, Oregon, and saw these vintage Muni cars on display.

It turns out that the cars were a part of an exhibit at the Oregon Electric Railway Historical Society, thanks to some sleuthing from a commenter. And here comes reverse sticker shock: Do you know how much a Muni ride cost in the 1970s?

san francisco remembered old muni fare sign

Yup, look at this closely: 25 cents for a Muni ride. Anyone remember those days?

For more memories of the city, check out the San Francisco Remembered Facebook group, where you can find “vintage photos, family stories, and memories of the City that we love,” all of it post-1906.

Previously on Muni Diaries:

Here’s something else we’d like to bring back from the 1970s: groovy BART uniforms!

H/T: @mwichary

10 finalists for Muni art announced


On the heels of its successful inaugural campaign, Muni Art and San Francisco Beautiful have announced 10 finalists whose art could be chosen to be displayed on Muni buses. The finalists are:

  • Marianne Bland
  • Counterpoint Studio (Peter Tonningsen and Lisa Levine)
  • DrawBridge: An Arts Program for Homeless Children
  • Amos Goldbaum
  • Ryan Hungerford
  • Todd Kurnat
  • Luis Pinto
  • Lillian Shanahan
  • Monica Tiulescu
  • Jon Wessel

According to SFMTA:

In addition to having their art displayed on 100 Muni buses, the artist who receives the most public votes will be awarded $2,000 and each of the remaining four will be awarded $1,250.  The public may cast their votes by visiting the web site, The voting period ends August 29 at 6 p.m.

Good luck to all of the finalists. We’ll announce the winners at the end of August.

Read about 2015’s winners here.

Photo of last year’s winner, Ariel Dunitz-Johnson, courtesy of SF Beautiful

Best use of a stroller spotted on Muni


Strollers, whether we like it or not, are just a #FactofLife on Muni. And maybe that’s the way it should be.

This Muni rider, however, managed to discover a new way to use her pram. Via @side-eye spice: “This woman has a stroller, but there’s no baby — just a bag of burritos and soda. I’m writing her in for president.”

I’m down.

Meanwhile, ENHANCE!


If you can ID that soda (I think that’s a soda?), let us know in the comments, please.

Previously on Muni Diaries
Well-behaved cat in a stroller on Muni is living our dreams

Muni passengers school bad driver


Oh, this is just delicious. Last week, Muni rider EC let the whole world know that some Muni passengers aren’t taking any shit. No sirree.

As to the situation, EC writes: “People have gotten off my train to yell at this lady who almost ran a pedestrian over.”

As to the photo above, she writes: “The gray haired grandma who chewed her out is my hero for today.”

As it should be. Good luck praying that wrath away.

Bad driver! Bad!

Hot ‘Dam’: The Amsterdam tram top 10


As if Amsterdam’s ridiculously high quality of life wasn’t enough to give us serious jelly beans, its tram system, run by an agency called GVB, also wins. Buckle in for my Amsterdam tram Top 10 list; this is what everyone does there on vacation, right?

10. It travels through some of the densest, oldest, most heavily touristed parts of town, intermingling with footpaths everywhere, and it never seemed anywhere close to hitting someone. Kudos to it and transit-aware pedestrians.

See above and below for #9: Some of the trams dress up for Pride! As well they should as ambassadors for their fair city. We’ve always loved displays of equality and solidarity on Muni.


8. It looks like a face from the front, and I refuse to believe it’s just me.

7. Its origins of literal horsepower. Several tram lines are descendants of horse-powered lines from the 1800s. Amsterdam, it’s just like us!

6. You pay in the back, with a person who is not the driver, if you need to buy a ticket on the tram. Good luck not feeling like an asshole for sneaking on.

5. The fact that Line 4 gave itself an bath in the Amstel (the river, not the beer) in 1950, prompting me to say, today: Go home, Line 4. You’re drunk. Disclaimer OK, I do not know the circumstances around that image and I hope everyone was safe.

4. Disabled seats are a different color than the rest and marked with pregnant or elderly stick figures. SF, do we need to make it more obvious?

3. THIS ANECDOTE, h/t Wikipedia, the source of all things: “From 1922 until 1971, all trams had mailboxes at their rear side. These were emptied at Centraal Station; the post office’s distribution centre was located next to the station…Thanks to the tram mailboxes, a letter could be delivered on time, even if it is too late for the last collection from the regular mailboxes.”

2. This view from my window on a 2. The 33, the J, T and N all provide some stellar views of San Francisco — and it warms my heart when a new-to-me view shows up during travel.


1. This game <3. Srsly GO away, Pokemon Go.


If you need me, I’ll be relentlessly pitching GVB Diaries to the powers that be.

Kid draws his dream of an expanded BART


Hey, we’re only 36 years late on this, what?

30-plus-year BART enthusiast Brian shared his drawing, from around 1980, of what BART would look like if he were god.

Highlights include:

  • Geary Boulevard (!!!)
  • Fairgrounds
  • Santa Clara (for Great America DUH)
  • Port Chicago

Far as I’m concerned, the only thing missing here is a Vallejo stop for Discovery Kingdom (née Marine World).

Bravo, exalted one, bravo!

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