iPhone thefts on Muni becoming way too common

7 Minutes
Photo by Flickr user Jamison

Ed. note: This is seriously the umpteenth time I’ve heard what amounts to the same story: at least two thuggy teenagers coordinate holding the back door open while the other(s) prey upon the (usually female) victim, who is texting or using the web on her iPhone, in a seat or standing by the back door. As this storyteller/witness, Mari, says: Be vigilant, and report the crimes. Also, if you can, please attend Supervisor Bevan Dufty’s hearing at City Hall at 11 a.m. this morning. The a propos topic: Muni safety. (If anyone live-tweets or liveblogs the hearing, let us know. The Twitter hashtag is #municrimehearing.)

Friday night, November 20th, I was riding the 38 Geary outbound and at the Webster stop I suddenly heard a woman shout, “Hey! Hey!” A kid (teen) had grabbed her iPhone and jumped off the bus. The woman and other passengers jumped off bus, too and to chase the culprit. Because she had gotten off the bus and left the scene, our driver couldn’t call police.

As bus continued, I heard witnesses talking, and realized I had seen the teens (approximately 13 to 15 years old) on the bus (in fact they were the only individuals under twenty on the bus). One looked very agitated and I almost thought he was concerned about missing his stop—he kept looking for someone behind him on the crowded bus. When he got up I took his seat. Then the iPhone was stolen. Others on bus talked about how the kids had been watching the victim and using non-verbal communication, had coordinated the robbery.

Saturday night, November 21st, I was again riding the 38 Geary outbound, also around the same time of night (around 10pm) that I rode it the previous night. I saw 2 teens board the bus around Van Ness, and I thought I recognized them from the night before, but wasn’t absolutely positive as this night one wore a low baseball cap and the other wore a hoodie with the hood up around his face. I watched them sitting at the back of the bus. As we got to Laguna one of them stood near the door and I saw him nod. Then a third person, in his 20s (per the victim) grabbed a woman’s iPhone and ran off the bus.

The culprits jumped off the bus. This time the victim stayed on the bus. I went up to the bus driver to tell him of the robbery and that it had happened last night and that I believed the 2 teens from the previous night were involved.

In fact, here’s the M.O.: an accomplice waits by the exit door, keeps it open so that as everyone exits the bus the robber can wait until the exit is clear of people then snatch the phone and get away. Both nights they targeted women and both women were not on the phone talking, but rather texting or surfing the web—which makes it easier to take the phone away with force.

The driver called the police and the victim, her family, and I all gave a description of what happened and who we thought were involved.

Please spread the word.

iPhone users beware. Especially on 38 Geary bus.

If you have an iPhone, be sure to register it online so that Police can track it. You must already have it registered for them to be able to track it in a situation like this.

Check out this link to learn more about registering your iPhone: http://www.apple.com/webapps/utilities/freeitracklostandfoundregistry.html

Weekend Photos: Meditation on BART

4:45 am is no time to be anywhere.
Photo by Flickr user mikedthorn

This week in BART news:
– Veterans to get free BART rides (via SF Examiner)

– Judge sends BART cop murder trial to LA (via East Bay Express)

– Pigeons cause uproar at BART meeting (via SFAppeal)

– BART workers say staff cuts are unsafe (via KCBS)

– BART to Livermore plan brings out range of public opinion (via Pleasanton Weekly)

– Feds launch civil rights investigation into BART (via SF Chronicle)

Enjoy these new additions to the BART Flickr pool. Don’t forget to send us your stories and photos on BART! Have a great weekend, everyone.

7/365: free your mind
Photo by Flickr user futo

sadly, the future is no longer what it was
Photo by Flickr user i, max

sunset at Rockridge
Photo by Flickr user dahveed76

Weekend Photos: What is NextBus trying to tell us?

And Sometimes It's In Braille
Photo by Flickr user eviloars

Here we are, arrived at another wet weekend. The worst might be over, though. In which case, go Go forth and have your fun. (srsly, that hard-ass rain lasted, what, 14 minutes?) Don’t forget to go gripe talk to public officials (in government, police, MTA) at a City Hall hearing on Monday.

Here’s your MTA weekend traffic advisory:
Construction on San Jose Avenue between Geneva Avenue and Niagra Avenue will require the closure of both northbound lanes and one southbound lane of San Jose Avenue from 11 p.m., Friday to 4 a.m., Monday.

Beginning at 1:45 a.m. Saturday, the M-Ocean View Muni line will turn back at Plymouth and Broad streets. A Muni bus will provide service between Plymouth Avenue and Broad Street and San Jose and Geneva avenues on Saturday and Sunday.

Also, the N-Judah track repairs will pick up this evening. Pay attention, folks!

Traffic Detour/Construction Schedule: 7 p.m., Friday, Nov. 20 – 5 a.m., Monday, Nov. 23

Muni Bus Shuttle Schedule:

    8 p.m., Friday – 1 a.m., Saturday
    6 a.m., Saturday – 1 a.m., Sunday
    8 a.m., Sunday – 1 a.m., Monday

Note: The N-Owl service will operate until 6 a.m. Saturday; 8 a.m. Sunday; and 4 a.m. Monday

Additional Muni routes affected: 28-19th Avenue, 29-Sunset, 91-Owl, N-Owl

That, as they say, is all. Enjoy the photos!

Cable Car #25
Photo by Flickr user Troy Holden

Roar of the Four
Photo by Flickr user ebtmikado

Where New York meets San Francisco.
Photo by Flickr user Whole Wheat Toast

Speak your mind about Muni safety at City Hall next Monday

SF City Hall
Photo by Flickr user ekai

Supervisor Bevan Dufty will be holding a hearing on Muni safety and the SFPD’s involvement therein next Monday. Dufty’s office is looking for stories from real people (i.e., you) — the positive stories along with “my iPhone got snagged” and whatnot.

We applaud the effort to clampdown on crime aboard Muni vehicles. But these public officials cannot do this effectively without our help. If you’ve witnessed or been victim to a crime on Muni, and you can do it, go the meeting and let the police and our elected officials know about your experience. If you’re annoyed by the police presence on Muni (and we know you’re out there), go, too. All voices are encouraged to speak up.

After all, it’s partially up to us to make Muni a safer environment, right?

Here’s some press-releasy notes from Dufty’s office:

The hearing will take place at the City Operation and Neighborhood Services (CONS) Committee on Monday, November 23rd at 11:00 in room 250 of City Hall.

Supervisor Dufty’s office is seeking to hear from Muni riders who have experienced crime or who have witnessed crime to testify at the hearing. It is crucial that representatives from Muni and the San Francisco Police Department hear from Muni riders about their experience riding public transit.

Please contact Boe Hayward of Supervisor Dufty’s office (boe.hayward@sfgov.org) if you would like to help improve the safety on Muni and ensure that the Bus Inspection Program is implemented and continues.

[Bus Inspection Program]
Sponsor: Dufty
Hearing to get a status update from the Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco Police Department on the Bus Inspection Program which will focus on the
ongoing Bus Inspection Program trial program that has been implemented at several police stations in San Francisco and how the TransLink card has been used.

We wish we could give away prizes for participation. Maybe a healthier, safer Muni is the prize?

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