Photo by Flickr user Brian_Brooks
About 10 days ago, SFMTA (everyone knows that acronym now, right?) began its long-planned changes to service for Muni buses and light-rail lines. Some fretted the approaching changes, while others cried tears of sadness to see bus routes wither and die. (In case you’re still under that rock, we posted several Muni obituaries from readers.)
Last Friday, we asked Twitter followers to give us their thoughts about Week 1 of Muni-geddon. Here are the responses we got:
atayla says:
I see higher fares and same old horrible service. Am I wrong?
18 bus not arriving at designated times, sometimes early, other times up to 10 mins late. 38L also running 40 footers.
what I don’t get is the fact we’re paying more for less service. Can any1 explain this to me?
Coworker showed up an hour early because wait times for the 18 were 5 minutes and 125 minutes.
Not happy w/new changes. 41 increased size & arrivals but still EXTREMELY crowded, no improvement & 12 completely changed route
took a commute full n Judah home from ucsf last night. Everyone was nice. Paying by cash really slowed down boarding.
Monday was a sad day. I did not see the 26-Valencia on NextMuni. Now I am dependent on the consistently tardy J Train.
Feel like the 38 does not come as frequently as before, probably because of no 38-Ocean Beach.
So how’s about it? Do you like the changes? Hate them? Ambivalent?
See also:
* asinine asterisk meant to explain that we actually prefer Muni’s term of choice: service changes. Some lines and line segments were cut, it’s true. But many lines’ frequency was increased. Some lines felt no love or hate whatsoever. Changes, yeah, that’s the ticket.