Muni driver calls passenger ‘retarded’

Six Parnassus
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Wow. We received the following story from Muni rider Christine on Wednesday, and really don’t know what to say. Sometimes, you think you’ve seen or heard it all … Also, the infraction in question (running a red light) resembles a situation from just a few weeks ago. Remember when the 19-Polk ran a stop sign and crashed into a truck that had also run a stop sign? For the sake of us all, drivers, obey traffic rules. Pretty please?

Oh, and stop calling passengers names! Right now!

I generally don’t go looking for trouble. I’m just your average cranky lady trying to get home after work on Muni. But then …

I was riding the No. 6 Parnassus about 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 19 when a woman passenger pointed out to the driver that he was running a red light while turning off of Judah onto 9th Ave.

He told her: “It’s none of your business.” She said: “I’m riding this bus, so it’s my business.” And got off the bus. He called out after her: “You’re retarded!” Another passenger on the bus got into the act and shouted “Retarded bitch!” out the window at the woman.

My stop was a few blocks later, and after pulling the cord, I went up to the driver. “What is your driver number?” I asked. He pointed to the number of the bus: 5469. “No, that’s the bus number. Is that your number on your sleeve: 2725?” He nodded. I said: “Perhaps you’d like to call me retarded.” “She was rude,” said the driver. “You have no right to call a passenger retarded even if you think she’s rude or out of line,” I said.

“If you’re rude to me, I’m gonna call you retarded,” he said, raising his voice. “Go on, be rude!” I just got off the bus. “You’re not worth it,” I snapped.

Good heavens, is this what my family is paying $135 in monthly fast passes for? And the SFMTA has the nerve to propose more service cuts and fare increases? I’m filing a complaint to Muni, although I doubt it will do anything.

Streetsblog SF is awesome — go to their party tomorrow

If you’re not already reading/feeding/following Streetsblog SF, stop reading this sentence right now and go do all of the above.

Now that that’s out of the way, this awesome site and invaluable source of much of the news we pick up and do our best to spread, Streetsblog SF, is holding a party to commemorate one year online. Nice of them, right? Pre-congrats, Streetsblog SF!

We’ll provide the music, food and drinks, you provide your wit and cheer.

January 21
6 to 9:30 p.m.
The LGBT Center
1800 Market Street

See you there!

MTA board of directors gets an earful

And You Don't Know What You Want
Photo by Thomas Hawk

The MTA Board of Directors met on Tuesday and, as StreetsBlog SF reports, balked at the F-line fire hike and want to take another look at extending parking meter hours. The Examiner also reported details about the proposed Muni service cuts. Rider Dee Leit attended the meeting and sent us a report that focused on the public comment portion of the meeting, which had an amazing turnout and really struck a chord with Dee. Commenters were concerned about the possible layoffs of Muni cash handlers, car cleaners, and other upcoming service cuts. An excerpt from Dee’s account of the meeting:

The MTA meeting opened with some business, then it opened up first for public comment on off-agenda items. I saw many union workers and people who may be laid off from MTA in the next few months. This includes 11 car cleaners, the folks who keep the buses clean every day. An 11 year old girl came up to say that zxshe was worried about H1N1 being spread due to layoffs of custodial workers on the bus. She was worried that because her school takes Muni on field trips and lots of her fellow students also take Muni, the layoffs of car cleaners could mean that she might catch the disease.

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