Weekend Photos: Faster, Muni, Faster!

Photo by Flickr user Daniell Lefebvre

I was on the 1-California today, and the driver tried for what seemed like forever to get the passengers to move back in order for a wheelchair passenger to get off the bus. There certainly can be ways to speed up boarding, and Streetsblog SF has a video and great story about some simple ways to improve boarding to make Muni more efficient.

“Muni spends about half of its time on any given run not moving, so the bus is either stopped at a light or the bus is stopped at a bus stop. Speeding up boarding would be hugely important in getting Muni in being more reliable and faster,” Tom Radulovich, executive director of Livable City, said in the video.

In other news, transit funding is nowhere in sight as the bill dies (thanks, Arnie), and the 14-Mission has the dubious award of being the most dangerous line (Examiner).

Watch out this weekend as the J-Church construction impacts traffic and Muni, starting tonight (SFAppeal).

Have a great weekend!

Photo by Flickr user Patrick Boury

Photo by Flickr user Patrick Boury

4th and King
Photo by Flickr user captin_nod

Homesick for Muni

old F trains
Photo by Flickr user bingolio

What would you miss about San Francisco if you had to move away? Muni turned out to be on the top of the list for many people. We got a nice email from rider Andrew, a San Francisco resident currently finishing school in Southern California. Muni reminds him of home, he said. “Having gone to high school in the city, I never got a drivers license, and I still don’t have one, so Muni is a big part of every day.”

On our Twitter feed, rider @tlarrywong said, “Is riding Muni to church for the first time in fifteen years! Kinda miss it! : ).” Auto registration and smog test made @polinadou miss the days of Muni (come on back, it’s not too late!). Meanwhile, @wilmeleene is in San Diego and misses our transit: “I miss SF and I’m bored in SD!!! no more BART no more Muni no more cable cars!”

According to our web stats, some of you are from cities as far flung as London, New York, and Chicago. Are any of you former SFers? And for those who are still here, what would you miss about Muni?

No Green Buses Today

Termius in Green
Photo by Telstar Logistics

But we’ve seen a few noteworthy St. Paddy’s Day-related tweets cross the wires, including:

I’ve already been pinched twice by total strangers. Is everyone on my commute Irish or just jerks?! by @Hilary_Laurie

priest on the muni isn’t wearing green. hmm. by @rachelpartdeux

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, folks. Party people, do me a favor, do not get on a muni metro between 11pm and 12am please. Just let me get home. by @rnaglejr

I’m guessing the drunken, stumbly man in a green t-shirt on Muni at 4:30 pm is related to St. Patrick’s day festivities. by @pui_ling

What about you? What did you see/who did you pinch today on Muni?

‘Muni Diaries Live! Breaking It Down’ at the Make-Out Room

BART train operator Kelly Beardsley shares a story at our second event. Photo by Troy Holden

Muni Diaries will be back at the Make-Out Room on Friday, April 23, for our third spoken-word party. Muni has had its ups and downs in the past few months, and the wacky stories just keep coming. So join us at Muni Diaries Live: Breaking It Down to hear some awesome Muni stories live and share a few delicious (and mean) cocktails with your fellow riders.

Our story tellers this time include comedian Will Franken, whose Muni tales promise to be absolutely “twisted.” We’ve got Johnny FunCheap, the man who knows all about having a blast on a dime on San Francisco. The burlesque cheerleading squad, The Cock-Ts, will be back with their misguided coach Chester for more Muni cheers. You’ll also hear stories from Vero Majano of Mission Media Archives, BART operator Kelly Beardsley, and the acoustic duo McPuzo and Trotsky.

And this just in: Silvi from The Poetry Store will be our resident poet of the evening! Look for her with her type writer so you can get a poem written just for you. Check out the beautiful poem she wrote for us.

If you’ve missed our second party in October or our first event (honestly, how could you miss out on so much fun?), we hope to see you at party #3. We always save a little room for audience stories, so come prepared if you want to share a story on stage!

Muni Diaries Live! Breaking It Down
Friday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. No cover!
Make-Out Room — 3225 22nd Street
Routes serving the area: BART 24th St. Station, 12, 14, 22, 33, 48, 49, 67

1 672 673 674 675 676 801