LATFH+Muni=Hilarity close to home
Daily source of hilariousness Look at This Fucking Hipster posted this photo today, along with the caption:
Look at this fucking headphones connection.
Like we said, hilarity.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Daily source of hilariousness Look at This Fucking Hipster posted this photo today, along with the caption:
Look at this fucking headphones connection.
Like we said, hilarity.
Rider Tony T sent us some photos of a Muni-related incident on Wililams and Third, which happened a little after 9 a.m. today. Tony said it involved a pedestrian. SFMTA’s spokeswoman confirms:
9:459:04 a.m. and just after 10 a.m., regular light rail service on the T Third Line was disrupted due to an accident between a light rail vehicle and a pedestrian at 3rd Street and Williams Avenue.Bus shuttles were deployed between Custer Avenue and Armstrong Avenue. They will remain in place while the LRV service is restored.
The pedestrian was transported to SFGH with reportedly non life-threatening injuries.
Motor coach shuttles were being dispatched, Action News SF reports.
More pictures after the jump.
Photo by Troy Holden
A few years ago I had the coolest, surprise Muni experience on quite the groovy vintage bus on my way to work. I don’t know if any of them are still in operation, but if you’ve ever been on one unexpectedly, you’ll definitely know what I’m talking about.
It was like stepping back into the ’70s when I got on board. The seats were all covered in orange and brown woven fabric, the ceilings were low, it was dimly lit, and I swore I could smell incense wafting through the air.
It’s only happened to me once in my 8+ years of riding Muni, but it was one ride worth remembering.
This set of photos of last weekend’s J-Church track replacement comes to us from Tom of Church Street Media, who adds his vote of confidence for the workers laying the tracks. Thanks, Tom!
I’ve lived at this corner for 20 years and I had a front row view of the construction — for better or worse.
I can report that the noise was HELLISH over the weekend — no sleep on Friday night, a little better on Saturday, but they seemed to finish ahead of schedule on Sunday night. I’m no expert, but from what I could see, the workers did a first-class job. The machine operators moved the rails and materials with expert precision and with a minimum of wasted effort. There were no workers standing around as we have come to expect to see on other public works projects.
I am happy to report that the hassle and confusion was worth it! The line is much quieter at the intersection and there is little vibration compared to before. I give Muni credit where credit is due.
More photos after the jump.
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Photo by Flickr user Nick.Fisher
Doug over at Ice Tubes blog got tired of trying to stuff crumpled dollar bills into Muni boxes and posted some tips for the days when you don’t have your Fast Pass/Translink/dollar coins/pocket full of change. Now you have something to do while you wait for the bus. — Eugenia
With the recent fare hike back in July, the cost of riding a bus/light rail in San Francisco has gone up to $2. Now you either a) use a pre-paid bus pass, b) have eight quarters ready, c) contain a fist full of dimes, nickels and quarters adding up to $2, or d) have two $1 bills.
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Photo by Telstar Logistics
The governor pulled a major about-face on Monday, signing a bill he had promised to veto (SFGate, Contra Costa Times, Streetsblog SF). The legislation will restore the state’s gas-tax revenue to transit agencies across California (including SFMTA, BART, and AC Transit). MTA is set to receive an estimated $36 million. MTA Director Nat Ford says that might be enough to delay and/or reduce service cuts and fare hikes that are scheduled to kick in this May. Emphasis on “might” here, folks.