SF Transit Week: For the love of Muni and more smiles #onboardsf

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Celebrating public transit — what it is, warts and all, and what it has potential to be — is near and dear to Muni Diaries. Same for our buddies with SF Transit Riders: the folks behind some super-fun transit-oriented pub crawls and the 22-day Muni challenge for local officials.
Get on board with SFTR for Transit Week, Sept. 12-17: a celebration of transit riders (like me! like you! like these dogs on Muni!) who make living and working in San Francisco a more environmentally friendly, culturally aware experience. Events will be held on and around the Muni lines above. The objective? More smiles #onboardsf.
Visit the Transit Week website to sign up for updates and ways to participate during the week. And contact Paula@sftransitriders.com to assist with events, photos, activities, and more.

Town Hall on Housing, Transportation, and Urban Planning


I’m guessing you care. About San Francisco, about transit, about the future we’ll share together. You do? Good!

Tonight at Mission High School, some notable people will be holding a town hall on some serious issues facing San Francisco. Since you care, you should go!

From Supe. Jane Kim’s Facebook page:

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, CSU Trustee and District 7 BART Board Candidate Lateefah Simon and best-selling author David Talbot will join me in this important discussion about real solutions for our region and our state.

As a San Francisco Supervisor, I have shown that I’m willing to stand up to anyone to fund more transit options and create more affordable housing. And I’ve worked hard to improve existing parks and create new ones, while improving street safety for everyone.

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:30
Mission High School, 3750 18th St. (take the 33-Stanyan, 22-Fillmore, 14-Mission, 49-Van Ness, 24-Divisadero, or BART to 16th Street Station)

See you there!

Photo by torbakhopper

Muni driver reportedly assaulted via skateboard to the head

Pic by Flickr user Paul Sullivan
Muni rider Sloane sent us a harrowing story about a driver vs. passenger assault on Muni, which took place on her 47-Van Ness on Tuesday afternoon. From her public (shareable) Facebook post linked above:

…all of a sudden, the skater hits the driver in the head with his board, hard. People are crowding around and he yells some shit I can’t hear and then skates away. The man sitting behind me took a video, sent it to the police and was on the phone reporting it. We all exit the bus and the driver is sitting up front, gushing blood and in shock, trying to reach someone over the radio.

SFMTA spokesman Paul Rose confirmed the incident, which took place at 4pm Tuesday at Van Ness and Bush on an inbound 47. The Muni operator suffered lacerations to his forehead and was taken to Kaiser.

Rose tells us SFMTA is pulling video from the bus to help aid SFPD in its investigation.

This isn’t the first time in recent past a Muni driver suffered fight-related injuries on the job. And it won’t be the first or last time we remind everyone to stay safe — and to remember that a being a Muni operator can be a rough job. We’ll end with some too-true words from Sloane’s post: “I have no idea what instigated this but assaulting a public servant is really damn shitty.”


The future is now (er, next year): Sneak peek at new Muni trains

Subway New Trains-1

Starting next year, you might see a few of the new light-rail trains on your commute, and SFMTA has just released photos of what these trains look like! Squee. It’s so the future.

SFMTA is set to replace all the trains by 2028, which seems a long ways away. But the first of four initial trains are in production now, scheduled to arrive by the end of this year for testing in real life in 2017.

Why are these trains better? According to the SFMTA:

Compared to our current fleet, which started service in 1996, the new Siemens trains should be much more reliable. The new trains have systems that are proven to go significantly longer in between breakdowns and, therefore, require less maintenance. The new Siemens design is projected to run an average of 59,000 miles without breakdowns, which is more than double the minimum of 25,000 miles originally specified.

Officials also said that the new trains would have a lot fewer problems raising the steps up and down. So, yay!

Take another look:
New Trains 2

H/t: SFist
Photo via SFMTA

Life imitates SF Municipal Railway tokens


Art often imitates Muni — and how!

Pic above and token design by @teddyhose on Instagram, who says this pin was designed for Mission Comics & Art — $10 a pop.

Look familiar? If so, it definitely dates you, in a good way.

Like our beloved paper Fast Passes, San Francisco transit ephemera like SF Municipal Railway tokens warm even the most hardened local’s heart. You used them to get on the bus once upon a time, before the BEEP and EH-EH of Clipper machines rang in our heads.

Share and share alike on Muni Diaries’ social channels (FB, Twitter, Insta) if you’re itching to drop some local transit history.

Dear Girlboss producers: Can we have fake SF’s fake bus shelters?


Whoa, it’s a brand-new Muni stop that’s spotless and, dare I say, cozy?

LOL, of course it’s not real, you guys.

h/t Muni enthusiast Thea, who spotted it in the Lower Haight and says it’s a prop from the filming of Girlboss, a Netflix series based on a memoir by Sophia Amoruso.

Oh, the intersection of Real San Francisco — can you imagine a 22-Fillmore emptying at this little shelter? — and Fake San Francisco from the tee-vee, which is usually not much of an intersection at all. Remember HBO’s Looking?

But look ma, we’re on TV!

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