If Lady Gaga were two guys riding Muni Metro …
Caught site of this video in a tweet by @joshcreel yesterday. Like it or not, these fellas can sing!
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Caught site of this video in a tweet by @joshcreel yesterday. Like it or not, these fellas can sing!
Eric Fischer is up to no good again. Here, he’s posted an animated version of Muni vehicle movements for all of June 2010, with data provided by NextBus.
Why can’t I take my eyes off the 108-Treasure Island?
Can someone (or many of you) please set this to music and share with the rest of us? kthxbai
Remember Muni Mad Libs from the opening party for the Outbound show at Secession Art and Design earlier this summer? We posted and tweeted some your best Muni Madlibs from the opening, and today we’ve got more for you from last Friday’s closing party:
“Riding Muni is like dating curdled milk who has a profound unattainable itch.” – Carey B.
“Riding Muni is like dating crow who stuck a big turkey in my bag.” – Henry and Kelli
“Riding Muni is better than getting tickets because I didn’t move my car in time … oh, wait, that still happens.” – Tara
“Riding Muni is better than walking down the road feeling bad.” (ouch) – Henry
“A wicked goose egg was found on Muni line eleventeen today in Bayview. Passengers on the bus were clucking when the discovery was made, making this the most curvaceous bus line in the city today.” Kelly
“A hellacious trumpet was found on Muni line 4012 today in Hunters Point. Passengers on the bus were crumping when the discovery was made, making this the most slaughtered bus line in the city today.” – Phil
“An elliptical piece of concrete was found on Muni line 50 today in Noe Valley. Passengers on the bus were flying when the discovery was made, making this the most lovely bus line in the city today.” – Johnny
“A hairy motorcycle was found on Muni line 461 today in Nopa. Passengers on the bus were crying when the discovery was made, making this the most hopeful bus line in the city today.” – Anita
“A bright button was found on Muni line 37 today in Bernal Heights. Passengers on the bus were skiing when the discovery was made, making this the most curvy bus line in the city today.” – Vidya
Photo by Flickr user Janna Lauren
The mild summer of San Francisco brings the fascinating migration of many animals, including the Rainbow Munisaurus, which spends the season near the urban mountain ranges where food source is plentiful and the temperature is comfortable.
Found something else amazing on Muni in our urban jungle? Let us know.
Photo by chainsmokingbluemonkey
lachtaylor‘s iPhone screenshot:
It was one of those errors introduced “upstream,” as they say, evidenced by“Detorus,” eh? I think that’s Latin for “detour.”
Hey, maybe Sarah Palin should hire this Muni copywriter. You betcha!
Also, in case you missed it, another Muni-SF Marathon FAIL.
Jessie sent us this justifiably confused email:
Um….wasn’t the 53 discontinued a few months ago? Way to go, Muni!
Maybe SFMTA is recycling from past years? No, the date is right. Unless this sign is from … ah, screw it.