San Francisco Character – Vivienne, Muni Operator

Rider Madeleine sent us a story about Vivienne, who drives the 108-Treasure Island. Vivienne has been a Muni operator for 20 years and is “very humble as to the importance of her job,” Madeleine reports. Madeleine, who is Swiss, tells us one reason why she enjoys having Vivienne on her bus:

I like her calling me ‘sweetie.’ I know, this is nothing unusual around here, but given that I am Swiss and used to Swiss public transit operator attitudes, the idea of being called ‘sweetie’ by a Swiss bus driver just amuses me… they are waaay too stiff and formal to do something like that.

Vivienne told Madeleine about what happened during a graveyard shift on the 91-Owl when she picked up a man on Van Ness who said he had just been hit by a cab. Read the rest of the story at Madeleine’s blog, SFCharacters.

Got another Muni driver who made an impression on you? Let us know. Or even better, are you a Muni operator? We want to hear from you!

Weekend photos: Meanwhile, on Muni…

Meanwhile, On Muni
Photo by David Lytle

By the time you return from your weekend of fun, a little more than half of the Muni service cuts you saw in May will be restored. In other Muni news:

  • ‘Ambassadors’ place extra eyes on Muni (SF Examiner)
  • Time for Muni drivers to pay to park (Matier and Ross on SFGate)
  • Pier 70 Development: Streetcars Included? (Market Street Railway blog)
  • SFMTA restores service Sept. 4 (tomorrow!) (SFMTA)
  • Muni Accepts Gun Group’s Poster Promoting Use of Firearms (SF Weekly)
  • Central Subway Public Art Program Announces Winners (Central Subway Blog)
  • Dean Clark, District 6 Supervisor Candidate, Responds to Muni Questionnaire (Muni Rider Voter Guide)
  • Muni overhead pole spears sightseeing bus (SF Examiner)
  • 43 Masonic Catches Fire (Bay City News via SF Appeal)
  • West Portal Muni Construction Project Almost Done (Bay City News via SF Appeal)
  • Muni operators’ legal strategy could stall service reductions (City Insider on SFGate)

Oh, and ready or not, you’re in for a few weeks of Muni Diaries without Jeff, who is going on his honeymoon with the lovely Tara!

See how cute and transit-obsessed they are?

So, if you see something noteworthy on Muni, remember to share it with your fellow riders here. Don’t leave me hanging, y’all.

Enjoy the photos and your weekend!

Interior ex Milan Peter Witt car
Photo by Stephen Rees

Sleepy and Restless
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Waiting for the train & Ferry Building
Photo by Lorena

Plants vs. Zombies. Perfect way to pass time while waiting for a train.
Photo by Josh Lee

I've Been Waiting All Of My Life
Photo by Troy Holden

I didn’t go to Burning Man. Burning Man came to me.


Take it away, bhautik joshi:

True story of San Francisco: Why is this photo blurry? Ostensibly it’s taken from a window of a moving bus, but the real reason we were moving quickly is because we were being chased by giant twinkies. That’s right, giant, articulated four-ton twinkes, scooching their way caterpillar-like up Columbus Avenue, flattening Democrats and Republicans alike as they brought their sugary wrath upon North Beach. The whole episode came to a sticky end when the twinkies became jammed in the Broadway tunnel, at which point the kids from the nearby school swarmed out and ate the twinkies to death. Such a sad end for these beautiful, terrifying creatures.

Taken with the galactic bendycam 19.

On a separate note: I am so outta here for the next three weeks*. Play among yourselves, and spare Eugenia’s sanity as much as humanly possible.

* Hell no, I’m not going to the dirty, hot desert to dance. It’s my honeymoon, people. Mediterranean, here we come!

At the Giants Game: Phyllis’ Grandkids Learn the Stops

I was sitting in front of my computer yesterday afternoon thinking: I wish I could be sitting outside in this beautiful weather and drinking a cold one… Then Jeff reminded me that FlipCam was taking Muni Diaries to a Giants game that very evening. How did FlipCam read my mind? How did FlipCam know that the weather was going to be freaking perfect? How did FlipCam know I was willing to pay $9 for a Coors Light?

So we took this opportunity to ask throngs of Giants fans on Muni about their Muni-riding experiences. As much as the metros were packed, most of the folks we talked to were pretty satisfied with riding Muni to and from the games: “No big problems…yeah it’s crowded but that’s how it is, you know?” Perhaps it’s the non-Giants-watching riders who have more of a beef with the packed trains.

And then we ran into rider Phyllis, who told us how you can tell whether your grandchildren are real Giants fans (see above video; 0:32 if you’re impatient and don’t wanna peep Jeff’s mad video-editing skills).

Also, Jeff would like to add: the Giants totally dogged Denver!

The 38-Geary Fairy Princess

Photo by squant

Muni rider David shares this charming tale:

She and her Mom had been getting on the 38 at Ft Myley/VA Hospital for three or four days. She had been visiting her grandfather. She was probably 4 or 5 years old. Dressed in her best fairy princess outfit with the wings and the tiara. She carried her wand with the star on top.
She was quiet those first few days when she saw us. Us with our canes, walkers, and wheelchairs. The last day I saw her, she was excited and bright eyed. She told us she had helped cure her grandfather with her wand. She then went around to each of us and gave us a light tap on the head. I don’t know about the others, but I felt very much better for quite awhile.

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