Weekend Photos: Out with the Old

Where Muni turnstiles go to die...
Photo by Dave Schumaker

This week Muni welcomed yet more new turnstiles to mixed reviews, at least in our Twitter world. And lo and behold, someone’s found a loophole to open the gate (see news below). Pretty sure that loophole will be patched up soon. In the mean time, Muni news this week:

  • Despite Cost, Clipper Card Promises Convenience (Streetsblog SF)
  • MUNI’s New Fare Gates – People Behaving Badly (KRON4 and SFAppeal)
  • Uncommon Success for Union Adversary (WSJ on Sean Elsbernd and “Measure to Undo Muni Contract Rules”)
  • Cable car improvement project begins (SF Examiner)
  • Spot.us pitch: why can’t Muni run on time? (Spot.us)
  • Earlier this week: Mini Muni meltdown (SFGate)
  • Muni Sickout Was A Big, Fat Bust (SFAppeal)
  • Will Muni Paper Pass Vendors Convert to Clipper? (Akit’s Complaint Department)
  • Weekend traffic advisory: Chinatown Moon Festival (SFMTA)

We are counting down to the next Muni Diaries Live! spoken party at the Make-Out Room on Friday, Oct. 29! Look out next week for more information about our lineup, and permanent marker this in your calendars. We’d love to see your happy faces!

Enjoy these photos and the weekend fog.

F Line Train
Photo by Terry B

orange bullet
Photo by Bhautik Joshi

West portal Station
Photo by sftrajan

Mission St
Photo by Oscar Arriola

Spotted: Twitter Bird Riding Muni

Between hitting F5 like a mad woman and watching the live stream of Twitter’s announcement of the new Twitter.com Tuesday, I didn’t realize that Muni made a cameo in Twitter’s video! Thank you, @verbalcupcake, for pointing this out. See if you spot the little blue bird on our favorite (ok, necessary) mode of transportation.

p.s. Don’t feel left out if you don’t see the new Twitter web page. We don’t either. They’re rolling it out.

Oracle OpenWorld Street Closure and Reroutes

Oracle World San Francisco 2006
Photo by Flickr user Steve Garfield

Oracle OpenWorld is here this weekend and starting tomorrow, you’ll see some street closures and Muni reroutes, followed by an onslaught of folks wearing name badges walking too slowly. In any case:

Affected Muni routes:

  • 8X (AX/BX) Bayshore Express
  • 12 Folsom
  • 16X Noriega
  • 27 Bryant
  • 30 Stockton
  • 38/38L Geary
  • 41 Union
  • 45 Union-Stockton
  • 76 Marin Headlands
  • 81X Caltrain Express

Street closure details:

  • 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 16 through 3 p.m., Friday, Sept. 24
    Howard Street between 3rd and 4th streets
  • 2 a.m. Saturday, September 18 until 10 a.m. Friday, September 24
    Mason Street between Ellis and O’Farrell
  • 4 a.m., Sunday, September 19 until 6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 23
    Easterly traffic lane on Taylor between O’Farrell and Eddy and several parking lanes in the area
  • For those traveling westbound on Howard Street, the detour will direct traffic south on 2nd Street to Harrison Street.
  • For those traveling from north of Market on Montgomery, the detour will direct southbound traffic from New Montgomery, westbound on Howard, and south on Hawthorne to either Folsom or Harrison.
  • Mason Street traffic will detour west on Geary to south on Jones to east on Eddy and back to Mason.

A Muni Movie? Right in Our Backyard


ON IT – Behind the Scenes – Bus Timelapse from Shadow Angel Films on Vimeo.

A lot of urban life happens on the bus, and filmmakers Heather Donnell and Chris R. Smith are making a short film about just that. Their movie is called “On It,” and they’ve just rented a Muni bus last Sunday for some pivotal scenes, watch this time-lapsed movie.

So what happens on the bus in this movie? From Heather and Chris:

ON IT is about a relationship under pressure and the complications that get in the way of the couple’s attempts to communicate. Six months into their relationship, Craig and Angela each have something important to tell each other, but can they find the courage to say it? One bus ride changes the course of their relationship forever.

Hmm. Mysterious and intrigue!

Heather told me they rented the bus by working with the San Francisco Film Commission Office and the San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency: “There was lots of paperwork to obtain the permit, but both organizations were extremely helpful at pushing it through. We had a great experience with the bus inspector and the MUNI driver on the shoot day too.” You can find out more about the movie and Heather and Chris’s other projects at the Shadow Angel Films website.

A Friendly Muni Trip From the Beach

Photo by Whole Wheat Toast

Looks like there’s no sickout today. Phew. Earlier in the week: Delaine is new to Muni and San Francisco. One of her first brief encounters with Muni turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

Hubby and I decided to try our Clipper cards on Muni, being fairly new to the city. It was hot in our apartment on the bay on one of those sunny days last week, so we decided to head to the beach. We took the first train that came into the Embarcadero station–L Taraval, which took us to the zoo entrance, but also Ocean Beach. After wandering around for awhile in the cool, cloudy, breezy weather, we made our way back to the waiting train, and stood on the platform, unsure of where to get on.

After awhile the driver came around the corner, and politely pointed out to us novice Muni riders that we needed to stand at the “bus stop” to be able to board. He also gave us tips on using the Clipper card. Didn’t catch his name, but he was so very nice. I know we hear stories about rude Muni drivers, but I just want to say that we have had good service with our brief experience. I love the idea of a card I can use on all transit.

There’s been some questions about the Clipper cards on our Twitter feed. Seems like time to update our Muni newbie orientation!

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