SF Welcomes Me Home … Clipper, Not So Much

Inside a Translink/Clipper card
Photo by 0x0000org

When we returned from our honeymoon, everything in my purse that wasn’t a foreign ticket stub or Euro coin looked funny. That includes my work badge, our woefully monochrome U.S. currency, and my Clipper card. Even though it also got to enjoy a three-week break, it completely failed me on my first commute to work, indicating that, 1) Vacation Brain is contagious and will rub off on your possessions, or 2) a bunch of things conspired to go pretty effing wrong. So, here’s my cautionary tale, should you find yourself in a similar sitch.

1. Tara exits turnstiles at 24th and Mission BART station after a sleepy ride back from SFO. Clipper cash balance falls below threshold; Autoload triggered, just as it should.

2. On first commute back to work two days later, BART turnstiles say “see agent.” Agent shows, on his little machine thingie, a message that says, “BAD DEBT” (all caps, very scary). A customer-service call is in order. BART ticket must be purchased. (I am Tara’s boiling fit of not-really-contained public rage.)

3. Clipper Rep #1 says there’s nothing wrong with the account. Maybe the card itself is broken, she suggests? Add Fare machines couldn’t read it, so this seemed likely. (How much will it cost me if I don’t get a new card right away? Will I get a refund? I am Tara’s frustrated, tearful self-pity.)

4. Tara calls Clipper back to say, yes, something must be wrong with the card. Clipper Rep #2 checks into it further, and, at some point, mentions the last four digits of the credit card on file. This is an old card that does not exist! Ah: Clipper Rep #2 says this is why I have “bad debt,” triggered by the Autoload a couple days ago. But! It was updated! (Right? Hmm…)

5. Tara learns that she did, in fact, update her information in July. Tip: Always ALWAYS keep confirmation emails from Clipper when you update information; they contain reference numbers that should help if/when they don’t know what you’re talking about. She makes third call to Clipper that morning. (I am Tara’s violently flashing incompetency-radar.)

6. Clipper Rep #3 has no idea what Tara is talking about with this “bad debt” and “card not working” business. Everything looks fine, just as it did to Clipper Rep #1. No, no. Something is wrong. Look harder. Tara eventually gets the equivalent of, “Oh, there it is.” Info was updated correctly by the user, but it failed to be processed by Clipper.

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Weekend Photos: Fashionable Muni

Elevator Music
Photo by Jeremy Brooks

You might have heard about the fashion “tribes of San Francisco” — you know, skinny jeans in the Mission, thigh-length sweaters in the Marina, flannel shirts in the Haight…but where do they all come together in one place? Yup, that’s right. We’ve seen some pretty fashionable riders on Muni (check out the details on those boots in the photo taken by Jeremy Brooks above). Today’s Weekend Photos is a little shoutout to these riders.

In a few weeks you’ll also see a new feature on Muni Diaries called Fashion Friday where we will be featuring fashionable Muni riders. So if you see a well-dressed fellow Muni rider,  remember to send us a photo! We’ll have prizes and other details for you next week.

In this week’s Muni news:

Enjoy these photos, keep an eye out for snazzy dressers on Muni, and have a great weekend!

Heart Kandi Cuff
Photo by Vishnu Balunsat

Still Waiting
Photo by Daniel Hoherd

Photo by greenkozi

Search and Rescue
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Photo by Jesse Johnson

The winner of the grand Muni tournament is …

Photo by Tenderloin Geographic Society.

I got back from a three-week break to find out that not a whole hell of a lot happened, with work, with friends. But what this week has taught me is that a lot of great internet took place in my absence (and not just here on MD, heh).

Case in point: The Tenderbloggers turned us on to Tenderloin Geographic Society, specifically two Muni-related posts there.

The first, above, is adorned with the following:

I understand that in some schools, children are made to race in competitions where, regardless of their placement, all receive medals.  Who could imagine that the practice continued well beyond the 4th grade?

The second one, well, it’s too good not to force ask you to click on and go read on TGS’s site. So go. But come back? We’ll miss you.

Also, here’s a fun game: Tell us whom you think should receive that trophy up there. Any and all candidates are eligible.

Baby Witnesses a Series of Blunders on the 21-Hayes

did you know it's legal to drink on muni?
Photo by arlen

Ever tried explaining what happens on Muni to a kid? Muni rider and mom June has this story to share:

On Tuesday at about 5 p.m. my 19-month old daughter and I boarded the 21-Hayes inbound for our trip home from daycare. We took seats up front in the handicapped section; the bus was fairly empty so I let my daughter have her own seat rather than keeping her on my lap. Sitting directly across from us was a surly, obviously drunk man. He was issuing a stream of salacious comments in the direction of woman who had taken a nearby seat, to the tune of, “You’re a fuckin’ skinny bitch but you have a big BUTT!” After a few minutes of that she replied, “Asshole!” and moved to the back of the bus.

Now my daughter and I were the closest targets. He looked straight at my daughter and said, “Well you’re a pretty little baby! You look just like my…GRANDDAUGHTER! Want to see a picture?!” He pulled out a cell phone, poked some buttons, then leaned across the aisle to show us a photo of a baby girl (cute, actually).

At that moment the bus was headed up the steep bit of Hayes near Alamo Square. The drunk man lost his balance and rolled about 6 feet down the aisle toward the back of the bus. He landed pretty hard on a row of seats and shouted, “OWWW! I broke a rib!”

The bus came to a halt in the middle of the street, passengers started screaming, some people got up to help the guy – pandemonium. The doors were open so I decided it would be a good time to exit. My daughter, who is just learning to talk, told me, “Ride bus. Man fall down. He owwie.”


Be like June, and share your Muni stories here on Muni Diaries.

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