The Giants are clearly Muni’s favorite baseball team
This is the stuff transit geeks and baseball geeks live for: The ability to wear your nerd colors, to fly your dork flag, as it were.
Friend of Muni Diaries Ed clued us in on this one, from Cotton Bureau:
Glove, check. $2.25 for Muni, check. Head-to-toe in orange and black, check. Tickets to the game, check. Muni packed with other Giants fans, check. Let’s do this!
Looks like there might be just one shirt left, so act fast!
Just heard from Cotton Bureau:
lots more than one shirt left – we’ll print as many as get ordered! 😊
Tonight’s game could very well be the last for the 2016 San Francisco Giants. While there are heathens out there for whom this does not matter at all, for the rest of us, well, it. is. so. on.