Smallest Muni driver ever

Photo by Nicole Grant

A parent did this to their kid yesterday. And we think it’s freakin’ adorable. (Check the kid on the far left.)

Here’s another Halloween-on-public-transit shot, captured by Lilah:

And Mission Local has a nice gallery up of people actin’ a fool on BART and Muni.

If you saw other great/terrible costumes on Muni and have photos, share them in our Muni Photos Flickr group.

* Nicole assures us that the kid’s dad said it was cool to post the photo.

Photo Diary: Longtime SF Giants fans on Muni

The Cool People Ride the T
Photo by zanthonyz

As the Giants get ready to battle the Texas Rangers in Game 4 of the World Series in Texas, SFSU journalism student Anthony reports the following from last week:

Richard Rockwell, seated, and Richard Wagner rode the T to Game 2 of the World Series on Thursday. Rockwell lives near Third Street and bought his Giants gear at the stadium store. He has Wagner to thank for his 2010 World Series tickets, though.

“I have a friend who works for Major League Baseball and I pushed her for two tickets,” Wagner said.

He added that he didn’t want to put her out by asking for any more, so this will probably be his only game. Rockwell also attended Game 7 of the 1962 World Series against the Yankees at San Francisco’s Candlestick Park.

More photos after the jump.
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World Series Undoes Normal BART Boredom

Jenny is a fan of the Giants and public transportation.

BART is boring. I used to live in San Francisco and loved riding Muni. There’s just general coolness going on around you at all times. Plus, you’re above ground so you get to take in the sites.

BART is another story. People are expressionless and generally in a sour mood. And you’re below ground so you see squat for scenery.

But the World Series changed that normal dourness on BART on Thursday night. On my ride to the city, the BART conductor announced the score mid-game. Post-game, on my ride home to the East Bay, people were talking to one another for once. There were cheers and smiles all around. People even gave up their seats for once.

That night was almost as good as Obama winning 2008 elections. Almost.

Go, Giants!

J-Church Food Fight!

Photo by J. McPherson

Tuchmanna tells a story from this morning’s commute. Alas …

So, today starts out normal enough: Muni delays, fog — your typical San Francisco Friday. Boarding the J this morning, I certainly wasn’t expecting the meat-splosion that was about to occur.

Two 15-16-year-old girls climb on at Church and Market, grab a seat directly across the aisle from me, and break open a container of deli wraps filled with an assortment of meats. 15 minutes later when we’re finally between Van Ness and Civic Center, one of the girls starts dropping pieces of meat in the aisle. We make eye contact, she stares me down, I go back to reading. Out of the corner of my eye I see this girl hold up a big piece of meat, dangle it next to me and drop it right next to my bag. I turn to her and politely ask her to please not drop her meat on the floor. Typical spiel about sharing a public space, yada yada yada. The guy sitting next to me chimes in, calls them rude, she starts telling us to pick it up for her, and her friend just sits there laughing.

We’re delayed a few more minutes and are sitting in the train between Civic Center and Powell now, when the meat offender flicks a piece of roast beef that lands on the guy in front of me. He turns to her, and says, “Excuse Me?” She stares him down and says, “WHAT?” All of a sudden this dude erupts. He jumps up, knocks the container of sandwiches into the air so that pieces of lunch meat and wrap go flying everywhere, and starts going after this girl. Her friend jumps in and a full on brawl ensues on Muni. All your typical yuppie riders are engaged in a mix of laughing, screaming, and pulling everyone apart.

After all the meat-heads run off the train, one guy starts muttering about the degeneration of society into a future of barnyard animals and prehistoric creatures.

Then, once everyone calmed down, we all set to picking up the lunch meat and bonding over the ridiculousness of SF. If this doesn’t say, Good Morning, San Francisco, I sure don’t know what does.

We can’t promise food fights, but tonight’s Muni Diaries Live should be no less entertaining. Hope to see you there!

Weekend Photos: Muni Diaries Live Tonight

Cable Car in the Rain
Photo by Thomas Hawk

I was on the 49 last night with at least half the bus dressed in orange and black, and a guy carrying a horn on his back said, “San Francisco is alive tonight!”

Damn right!

So don’t let the rain keep you away from Muni Diaries Live #4 this evening at the Make-Out Room. We can’t wait to see your faces and hear our storytellers on stage. The Make-Out Room has $1 off of all Maker’s Mark drinks, and $4 side cars when you show your Fast Pass, Clipper, or Muni transfer. And you can win prizes from Anthony’s Cookies, Chronicle Books, The SummitMetronome Dance Collective, and Market Street Railway if the rest of audience votes your Muni story the winner.

What more reason do you need?

In Muni news this week:

Photo by Telmo32

Everybody was soaked
Photo by Anna Conti

Wet afternoon on the 14 Mission
Photo by Juicy Rai

Photo by Andy Chapman

f market
Photo by Art Siegel

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