It’s Almost Over: Today’s Giants parade will disrupt Muni

Photo by EricaJoy

The World Series champions San Francisco Giants will be toasted by the city in a parade this morning that starts at 11. CBS 5 has more:

“The parade will begin at 11 a.m. on Montgomery Street at Washington Street, the mayor’s office said. It will head south on Montgomery Street to Market Street, where it will go west to City Hall.

The public is invited to line the sidewalks along the parade route or gather in Civic Center Plaza for the celebration. Attendees are advised to arrive early and take public transportation.”

Here’s the advisory from SFMTA:

All Muni Metro trains will stop at Civic Center station for the celebration and Parade, as well as at Powell and Montgomery stations for the parade. The SFMTA will schedule six additional Metro shuttles to supplement the existing Metro service.

The additional service will begin at approximately 10 a.m. and continue until the event clears at Civic Center.

The following Muni routes and lines will be affected:

  • California Cable Car
  • F-Market and Wharves
  • 1-California
  • 2-Clement
  • 3-Jackson
  • 5-Fulton
  • 6-Parnassus
  • 8x-Bayshore Express
  • 9-San Bruno
  • 10-Townsend
  • 12-Folsom-Pacific
  • 19-Polk
  • 21-Hayes
  • 27-Bryant
  • 30-Stockton
  • 30X-Marina Express
  • 38-Geary
  • 41-Union
  • 45-Union-Stockton
  • 71-Haight-Noriega

And … Market Street Railway has an amazing photo of a 22-Fillmore going by the SF Seals stadium back in 1958, the first year the Giants played in San Francisco.

Delays on the N-Judah on the Embarcadero to recommence in … 157 days.

From the driver’s seat: ‘Sometimes I Miss Driving Muni’

Ed. note: A reader who calls himself Trolleypup and tells us that he works as a Muni supervisor shares his perspective on what it takes to “have happy people instead of cranky people,” especially on Halloween. He even sent us a picture of his train decked out in Halloween fun. – Eugenia

As a supervisor, I describe the job as “Less Stress, Less Fun!”

Not that operating buses and streetcars for Muni is a bowl of cherries all the time, but sometimes you can make your own and others’ day.

So, Halloween: a night that one tries to avoid being out in the mayhem, unless you can be part of it! My schedule request for Halloween was always “Late finish NIGHTS, if not available, early finish DAYS.” And if I got a late night run, I would decorate my bus and wear a costume (adding bits to the uniform, anyway).

One night, I was doing the Halloween Shuttle in the subway — two-car train, back and forth. I had decorated my train in each cab with electric pumpkins, Halloween lights, custom head signs, with me in some sort of costume, Halloween music, and sound effects over the PA. By the end of the night, I was the ONLY shuttle train that without some sort of incident to write up.

Sometimes it just takes a little bit of work to have happy people instead of cranky people. And on an extremely crowded train, that can make all the difference.

Rocking Muni for the Giants

Video by Amber Wolf of Wiz Bang Photography

You might’ve heard that a local baseball team did the biggest thing U.S. baseball teams can do last night. That’s right, the 2010 San Francisco Giants won the fucking World Series, y’all! And Muni was right in the thick of the wild celebration.

Watch the 33-Stanyan wade through the thicket of toilet paper and Giants fans in the Castro in the video above.

Fans in the Marina atop a 30-Stockton (photo by @jcsnotes):

More fans in the Marina took over the 2-Clement (photo by SHUN [iamtekn]:
San Francisco Giants 2010 World Series Champions

San Francisco Giants 2010 World Series Champions

I got a couple of pictures of guys hopping on top of a soon-to-be-stranded 14-Mission, on Mission Street, in (you guessed it) the Mission:

Amy grabbed this short video of that same 14-Mission:

Ariel has a shot of the 22-Fillmore stuck in the Mission:
Operator On Hold

Giants fans on Muni were burning up Twitter last night too:

“Some guy stepping off the L announced GIANTS 3-0!! Driver repeated it over the PA. No reaction from riders. Me: Really? Giants!” @wallbounce

“people are sitting on 30s here on Chestnut. First Clipper now this. Anarchy!! Let’s go Giants clap x5” @jcsnotes

“28 driver now leading @SFGiants cheer.” @dalbizo

“I’ve never experienced anything like last night in SF after the win… I just remember running through cloudy MUNI buses #SFGiants@cementone

Indeed. Indeed.

Congrats to the 2010 San Francisco Giants!

Vote today: Muni on the ballot (update)

Photo by Justin Beck

Update (7:30 a.m. on Wednesday): Proposition G has passed 64-36. SF Appeal has results.

Original post: It’s election day, and since we have your attention and know you care deeply about Muni, you surely know by now that there’s a ballot measure this year to amend the city charter and change the way Muni operators are paid. Read more about Proposition G.

Muni Diaries was host to a lively debate over the merits of Prop. G in early October.

For more on the measure, check out Ocean Beach Bulletin’s coverage of the two sides of Proposition G: pro and con. Greg at N-Judah Chronicles has a Muni Rider Voter Guide.

If you live in District 10, check out some of your candidates talk about the proposition:

  • District 10 Supervisor candidate Eric Smith talks about fixing Muni.
  • District 10 Supervisor candidate Kristine Enea does the same.

Now, do your civic duty. Go vote!

Important Lessons from Muni Diaries Live 4

Photo by Breanna Lambert of Scoutmob

More than 150 of you came out to share a night of good laughs, strong drinks, and general fun at our fourth spoken word party Friday night. We learned a few important things from our stellar storytellers.  If the rain kept you away from the fun on Friday night, let’s review:

  1. Never try to skateboard wearing cowboy boots.
  2. It takes approximately 12 people to lift a car off of the Muni tracks.
  3. Reading a low brow book on Muni can give a certain fellow passenger Lit Rage.
  4. Holding onto the handrails with both hands on Muni can have unintended consequences.
  5. Muni Interruptus can ruin your dating life.

What else happened on Friday night at Muni Diaries Live? Let’s see… Read more

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