Ideas to Make Muni Better

Robin Williams
Photo by Ron Henry

Rider Jules had some ideas to improve Muni rides that we think are worth mentioning:

Big ideas for Muni buses from Jules:

Recruit Robin Williams do all the regular messages, in varying voices. Imagine his funny take on “Please move to the back of the bus,” it might just get people to listen, and god forbid, smile…He could consider adding these messages: “Please do not stand in front of a door unless you’re getting off at the next stop” and “Why stand when you can sit?”

Try softer lighting in a couple of buses, maybe a different glow will relax everyone more.

Got other quirky ideas to improve the ride?

Weekend Photos: Whatever You’re Doing

Photo by Brandon Doran

My god, is it already December? Is the world really ending in like 2 years? It’s okay, Jesus is coming back next May. What timing!

Whatever your plans for Sunday are, you should take advantage of Muni’s Sunday FunDay offer: $2 gets you an all-day pass every Sunday in December. Cute.

The week in Muni news, consisting of the following:

  • Crime stalling on Muni routes (SF Examiner)
  • Unlicensed operators cost Muni (SF Examiner)
  • Tension Rising Between Muni Management and Drivers (KTVU)
  • Muni builds case for subway need (SFGate)
  • Ridership projections for T-Third/Central Subway down; Muni still upbeat (City Insider)
  • N-Judah rider held at gunpoint, assaulted for laptop (SF Examiner)
  • Wrecking Ball about to hit Transbay Terminal (SFGate)
  • Geneva Streetcar Canopy Dedicated (Market Street Railway)
  • Newsom makes pick for Muni Board (City Insider)
  • Bay Area Clipper Card Use Shoots Up 43 Percent (BCN via SF Appeal)
  • Photos of Friday’s Transbay Terminal Demolition (SFGate)

From the Muni Time Capsule this week:

If you haven’t already, bookmark or subscribe to the Muni Time Capsule feed. We’ll be serving up at least a couple posts per week over there.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy these photos and your weekend.

Photo by Chris Saulit

That Bullet Train Thingy, Take Two
Photo by bats

Submission To A 38-Geary
Photo by Troy Holden

Caution -- this 24 line SUCKS
Photo by Jaymi Heimbuch

BREAKING: Tree falls into wires, disrupts J-Church (update)

Update (2:57 p.m.): SFMTA spokesman Paul Rose says that SFFD crews removed the tree and that J-Church was restored around 1:00 p.m.

Original post: Muni rider Christine sends the following alert:

Looks like a moving truck hit a tree bringing it down and into electrical wires on the outbound J line between the 22nd and 24th street stops. Police are working to cut the tree down but we were told to exit the train because it would be awhile. 12:30pm.

We’ll bring you service updates as we receive them.

Email or tweet us if you see anything happening that you think can make your fellow riders’ commute easier.

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