Merry Christmas from Muni Diaries!
We leave you this long weekend with a wicked awesome photo by Troy Holden. SFMTA should roll this bad boy out every Dec. 1, wethinks. Who’s with us?
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
We leave you this long weekend with a wicked awesome photo by Troy Holden. SFMTA should roll this bad boy out every Dec. 1, wethinks. Who’s with us?
Photo by Steve Rhodes
This (short) week in Muni news:
And don’t forget to check out this week’s Muni Time Capsule post, which takes a look back at the magical post-war year of 1947.
Photo by Brandon Doran
Photo by Telstar Logistics
Photo by Troy Holden
It’s December 23. Things are grinding to a pre-holiday halt here in San Francisco. And so, we thought this photo of an LRV-less Sunset Tunnel seemed appropriate for this morning.
Ssssshhhhhh! Listen for the crickets.
Second time this week we’ve posted something from our new favorite Flickr member, drain. Interesting. Anyone know what app this is done with? I mean, I presume it’s done with an app. Anyway, love this drawing. Want more.
Photo by @sunghu
When your balls are that big, and you’re that tired …
I’d like to point out how careful he was that his bare feet not touch the seat. Classy.
Mango, avocado, hamachi, and the most plentiful, reddest tobiko ever. You have to be OK with tobiko to like this one.
After this post on edible Muni (still gross, and still not what you think), we decided that trying something called a Muni Roll was within the call of duty. We were fully aware that it could come 30 minutes late or not at all, and we braced ourselves for three in a row to show up after we decided to eat something else, instead. Your comments from the previous post still make us laugh.
But, none of those things happened, thankfully. Just a good old-fashioned sushi dinner like the pilgrims had. Give this one a whirl at Crazy Sushi on 16th Street and Guerrero.