Muni rider stabbed aboard the 7-Haight/Noriega


A woman was stabbed on a Muni bus early this week. Reddit user RenosMostWanted has a first-hand account, and took the horrifying photo you see above:

middle aged guy gets on board Muni, he doesn’t look homeless, but clearly on something or crazy. He is standing and then siting and then standing again. He is looking around like he’s nervous or on drugs. When the bus get to the stop (Civic Center I believe) he gets up quickly to go to the front of the bus, punches a little old Asian lady in the head and then stabs the guy pictured with what appears to be an exacto knife before bolting out the front door. Stabbed guy didn’t even realize he’d been stabbed until the entire bus gasped in horror when he turned around to look out the front window.

Hoodline has more from a tipster:

Police response time was impressive. Under a minute from what I can tell. Some people were crazy self-obsessed. Were taking pictures of the inserted knife on Snapchat. Insane.

We’re glad everyone seems to be okay. Scary stuff, folks.

Drama over the BART intercom

BART operator Kelly Beardsley lets us in on one little secret about driving BART: passengers love pressing the intercom button to chat with him about annoyances big and small, or even to just shoot the shit with him for no reason at all. Our live storytelling show, Muni Diaries Live, is where you can hear stories that are at once both true and unbelievable. Here’s Kelly recounting the shenanigans over the intercom on one eventful BART ride.

I love intercom calls, they always crack me up. You know on BART at the end there’s that little box that says, In Case of Emergency, Call the Operator?” Sometimes people just push it and just chat me up. Like, “Hey, I noticed you just made another transfer announcement at Lake Merritt Station. I don’t usually hear transfer announcements at Lake Merritt Station for the Dublin-Pleasanton bound passengers. Are you going to make a transfer announcement at Bay Fair?” And i’m just like, “Oh I like to mix it up! I like to make sure people get to where they need to go!” And the guy’s like, “Oh that’s really cool, man, so what other places do you make transfer announcements?”

We get stupid calls, we get fun calls, and we get complaint calls like, “Hey! Hey! There’s this girl and she’s got a bike and she’s eating a burrito and she’s in the handicapped seat!”

If you want to hear stories like this and other true and hilarious tales, come to the next Muni Diaries Live show on Nov. 5!

Muni Diaries Live
Saturday, Nov 5, 2016
Doors: 6 p.m., show: 7 p.m.
Elbo Room
647 Valencia Street, San Francisco
Take Muni there: J-Church, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, or BART: 16th or 24th St. stations

Photo by Kevin Wong/Right Angle Images

Who’s ‘Energized’ for the week? (Hint, not this commuter)

It keeps going and going and going…”

And by “it,” we mean the heaping dose of visual irony pictured here, courtesy of csuhpat1, who also points out the rush-hour manspreading action.

A friendly reminder that it’s only cool to man- or lady-spread in sparsely populated Muni vehicles.

Hear our best Muni stories live on stage! Muni Diaries Live is back on Nov. 5 at the Elbo Room. Tickets on sale now!

Did NextMuni leave you in the dark on Sunday? Here’s why.

next bus broken sign examiner

Forget “where’s my bus??” Where in god’s name is my NextBus?!

An outage on Sunday at NextBus left thousands of riders extra clueless about when the bus was coming, according to a report in The Examiner. The outage meant that you couldn’t even use third-party apps to see when the next Muni was coming, because those apps and arrival signs pull from the system’s data.

Service was restored early afternoon, but not before lots of angry riders took to the Twitters with their WTF.

If you ever find yourself minus a bus and predictive technology, you can always rely on the most accurate Next Bus sign in the city to keep it 100.

Photo: San Francisco Examiner

See the best of Muni Diaries live on stage on Nov. 5


You’ve seen Muni bingo, Muni haiku, a one-woman band, a puppet show, and stellar storytellers on stage … What else do we have in store for you at the next Muni Diaries Live? You’ll have to come party with us at the Elbo Room on Nov. 5 to find out! The full lineup is here, and it’s gonna be a good one.

For this show, we are adding something a little different: when you buy a ticket, you can also give to Food Runners, the San Francisco non-profit organization that’s currently delivering over 15 tons of food a week that would otherwise be thrown away. Food Runners picks up excess food from businesses and delivers it to agencies feeding the hungry.

Muni Diaries Live

Saturday, Nov 5, 2016
Doors: 6 p.m., show: 7 p.m.
Elbo Room
647 Valencia Street, San Francisco
Take Muni there: J-Church, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, or BART: 16th or 24th St. stations

Photo by Right Angle Images

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