Photo Diary: Color Tiles

Color Ties
Photo by Ariel Dovas

A San Francisco street, or some kind of fantastic manmade urban plate tectonics?

We’ve featured a great many photographers from our Muni Photos Flickr pool, so it seems appropriate to bring up that the deadline for submission for the 200 Yards photography experiment is coming up on Feb. 14 (next Monday). The idea is to explore the 200 yard radius of where the photographs will be shown. This time, the show will be at Free Gold Watch — 1767 Waller St. @ Stanyan. Well, the 33, 37, 43, N-Judah, and 71 all pass through the area within 200 yards of Free Gold Watch, so will our public transportation make a guest appearance at the show? I’ve got fingers crossed.

Submission guidelines for 200 Yards, presented by Lightbox SF.

Win Dinner for Two at Espetus

On my fridge is a poster that says, “San Francisco is for carnivores.” That’s right. Our city is made for the kind of unrepentant carnivore who dreams of a parade of meat on steely skewers and towers of pork sausages bursting out of their casings.

For one lucky Muni Diaries reader, the awesome folks at Scoutmob have a $100 Espetus gift certificate to give away! Sign up for Scoutmob in February and we will pick a random winner at the end of the month.

So sign up for Scoutmob for a chance to win $100 in a meaty gift certificate!

To get to Espetus: take F, J, K, L, M, N, 71, 21, 47, 49

Time for Muni Driver Calendar?

Photo by Jeremy W.

Rider Jeremy W. holds the fate of this driver’s fame in his hands…

So I thought I’d share a funny exchange I had with an F-line operator the other night. I was out enjoying the great weather that day and was working on my night photography shots.

I captured this shot of streetcar 1075 turning the corner onto Market Street and then got on at the next stop. I’ve seen this operator out a lot, and he’s seen me with my camera…

The first thing he said was “so you’re taking all these pictures of everyone else, when are you going to get one of me into the Market Street Railway Calendar?”

I had to explain to him that not for lack of effort (that’s why he’s seem me out a lot!) I haven’t gotten one in yet, but I am working hard on my submissions for the 2012 calendar 🙂

He laughed and said, well, keep trying!

The calendar Jeremy’s talking about is open to submissions from anyone. See submission details here.

That’s What We Call No Strings Attached

Photo by Lulu Vision

So there’s this new movie, No Strings Attached, starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, two of the most perfect-looking human specimens ever. The movie asks the probing question: can sex friends stay best friends? I’m sorry, in what reality do you find yourself with someone who looks like Natalie Portman or Ashton Kutcher and you say, hey, no strings attached, let’s keep it light!

Here in San Francisco, someone corrected the movie’s advertisement on a Muni shelter to reflect a more accurate reality in which Natalie is like, “No strings attached, ok?” and dude is like, “I just did it with Natalie Portman!”

(Thanks for the photo, Lulu Vision!)

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