Bring Your Own Seat While Waiting For Muni

Photo by Jayne

Some people aren’t satisfied with the seating options at Muni stations. They’re taking the matter into their own hands. Rider Jayne sent us a photo of a guy with his own seat at the Van Ness station…

Kind of reminds me of this photo that we’ve seen before of a man waiting for the bus on his own comfy seat:

Photo by davitydave

And this sodden couch for anyone waiting for the 22-Fillmore:

Photo by Jason

Or if you’d like to swivel around while you wait…

Photo by Danny Howard

Some people aren’t satisfied with the seating once they get on the bus…

Photo by @amber_kit

Photo by Tina

Photo by John C

These crafty knitters in Philly took it a step further (via Wooster Collective)

Wow. Well, I guess even though Muni seats are less gross than BART seats, you can never be too careful!

Haighteration Birthday Party Deals Tuesday

Oh Lower Haight! It’s home of the beloved and colorful 22-Fillmore, 71-Haight/Noriega, and official hood of the awesome blog Haighteration. Tuesday is Haighteration’s first birthday party, and Andrew at Haighteration has a long list of deals for you to celebrate! I’m getting my hair done for 20% off at On Mars, getting 10% off of the charcuterie plate at Uva Enoteca, and finishing off the night with beer ice cream scooped by the Haighteration crew at Three Twins.

Check out the list of deals for Tuesday’s Haighteration birthday party.

I ran into my dad on Muni. He was driving.

100 Muni StoriesThis is 10 kinds of cute. Or awesome. Perhaps horrifying, depending on how old you are. But Muni rider Andrew ran into his Muni driver father on his morning commute the other day, making it a completely unplanned dad-and-lad ride.

As Andrew says:

It was like Bring Your Son to Work Day, only with a 28-year-old kid. I asked if I could take the wheel, but he slapped my hands. Some things never change.

Also, per Andrew, this fun fact: It requires tons of torque to move the steering wheel on most Muni buses, in case there was any doubt. That’s why lots of drivers wear gloves.

This post was too good NOT to be considered for our 100 Days, 100 Muni Stories feature. We’re asking you to share your best Muni stories, and the four best will appear in ads on every single bus in town later this year. Send us your stories, or tag your best Muni tweets #100MuniStories!

BART train derails near Concord Station (update)

Update (10:34 a.m.): The Examiner has a quote from BART spokesman Linton Johnson.

Original post: Eileen sends us the news. According to

Major BART Delay
On Sunday, March 13th, at 9:45am, there is a major delay on the Pittsburg/Bay Point Line in the Pittsburg / Bay Point and SFO directions due to a train derailment. Currently, there is no service past Pleasant Hill as BART organizes a bus bridge to make service available.

And from BCN via SF Appeal:

A BART train in Concord headed for San Francisco this morning has derailed, causing major delays on the Bay Point line in both directions, according to BART officials.

No injuries have been reported as a result of the derailment, officials said.

The cause of the derailment was not immediately available.

We’ll keep scanning the wires for more information.

Free drinks with Clipper Card?

Muni Party
Photo by Jamison Wieser

Not quite. But that didn’t stop a gaggle of tweeters yesterday evening from fantasizing.

It started with a casual tweet from @murphstahoe:

Bars should be able to get a Clipper reader, and give $2 off your first drink if you rode Muni in the last 20 minutes.

We spawned a hashtag: #clipperbooze, and from there, imagination ran wild. Here are some of the musings:

and free rides over a certain BAC %! the drivers can get those portable breathalyzers 😀 — @cripsahoy

bars should just take Clipper. Would speed adoption! — @jcsnotes

I think the breathalyzers would be better used on the #muni drivers… — @duggi

They’d have to put a breathalyzer on the clipper card, though. #clipperbooze — @geekpondering

Yes! To alleviate IRS on pretax $$$, bars name drinks after lines “I’ll have a K-Ingleside straight up” #clipperbooze — @jcsnotes

Broken Clipper fare readers in bars = free drink! #clipperbooze — @LSH

Ah, San Francisco. This all reminds us of another creative use for Clipper Cards. If you’ve got other creative, alcohol-infused ideas for Clipper, don’t forget to use “#clipperbooze” on Twitter.

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