Weekend Photos: A Bit of the Everyday on Muni

View from a bus
Photo by Mark Denton

The morning-after St. Patrick’s Day tweets are worth the craziness on the streets. Here’s my favorite Tweet From Last Night: “Dudebro at the Muni wearing St Pats gear, with a limp and an odor of shame.” (high five to @jesse_hirsch). I hope to use the phrase “odor of shame” and “dudebro” at least once this weekend.

We added to the Muni Time Capsule vault this week. Check out photos from when the J-Church (and other now-Metro lines) ran aboveground on Market Street.

In Muni news this week:

  • BART Budget Looking Good, Surplus Expected for Current Fiscal Year (SF Appeal)
  • Man Jumped and Beaten by Gang After Exiting Muni Bus (SF Appeal)
  • Powell Street BART Station to “Modernize,” Dump Asbestos (SF Appeal)
  • Corroding Muni tunnels have never been seismically tested (SF Examiner)
  • Can Nat Ford Keep His Job as SFMTA Executive Director? (Streetsblog SF)

Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook so you can get your daily Muni musing along with your friends’ updates. And follow Muni Diaries on Twitter for that gritty underbelly of life on Muni. Enjoy these photos and your weekend!

electrifying read
Photo by Bautik Joshi

Photo by Brian Brooks

Photo by Steve Rhodes

You're stumbling a little.
Photo by SF à gogo

Best Muni Tweets of the Week

Photo by @rgreenberg: “This cat’s stylin a Stacy Adams suit on #muni 31 balboa”

The @munidiaries Twitter feed is a constant stream of amusing moments on the bus. This week the tweeple of San Francisco saw some wild animals and an accordion man!

Meanwhile, on @munidiaries:

Outbound J: Guy carrying caged wild squirrel that was eating his garden, en route to release it somewhere with lots of trees. (@mrfb)

Dude is playing songs from Amelie in Civic Cntr#Muni station. Thank you #accordian man, you just made my rainy day. (@HereInSanFran)

Overheard on the Muni: “Do you know who Rihanna is?” “Nope.” (@brenden)

I literally screamed “YES!!!!” out loud in the Muni after I saw people selling Girl Scout cookies by 19th and Holloway (@unfastened)

OH on the Muni: an 8 year old girl asking her older sister “what’s Minesweeper?” #wearefossils (@turnerator)

Follow us on Twitter, tweet your ride to @munidiaries, and let us know what’s up!

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