Megan’s DIY Fast Pass Art

What are you going to do with those Fast Passes you’ve saved over the years, now that they are a veritable collector’s item? Rider Megan B. sent us a photo of a really cool way to display them. She mounted them on a 36×48 canvas, and the result looks pretty fantastic. She had sourced the material from her partner’s 16 year (!) collection of Fast Passes. Want to see what this looks like in Megan’s home?

Oh, Fast Passes, how we’ll miss your colorful ways. Nicely done, Megan!

Don’t forget, you can dress up your Clipper card with our Fast Pass Clipper Card holders, which have just arrived at the Muni Diaries Etsy store.

Shell Game Guys At It Again On Muni

People just won’t quit. Last March we reported about a group of guys scamming Muni passengers with the “three cup shuffle” game, which, as we found out, is almost certainly illegal. A month later a rider even sent us a video of the scammers in action (above). This made it into television news later in the summer. Despite the publicity, the problem hasn’t stopped. Rider Jon S. wrote us yesterday:

I just wanted to note that these guys are at it again. They were on the 38 Bus outbound. They got on while it was on Market Street and jumped off at Union Square when I started mouthing off to one of the heavies and went for my phone to call the police.

Good on you, Jon. Last time we posted about this, a rider told us that this game is one of the oldest tricks in the scammers’ handbook, so don’t fall for it!

Seen something that affects your daily ride? Let us know.

Play ball! SFMTA: Ride Muni to AT&T Park

A Parade For The World Champion San Francisco Giants
Photo by Troy Holden

We relayed a message from SFMTA a few weeks ago about taking Muni to the ballgame. But now, things are different. We’re a mere 13 hours away from welcoming our very own World Series champs back to their home stadium, as the San Francisco Giants prepare to battle the St. Louis Cardinals in their first regular-season home game in 2011 tomorrow at 1:35 p.m.

So once again, SFMTA is urging you to consider not driving to the game, but instead taking Muni, a cab, or bicycle to AT&T Park. Oh, and eat hella garlic fries and sandwiches from Crazy Crab’z, also, too.

Go, Giants!

Press Release–SFMTA Encourages Fans to Go Green to San Francisco Giants Baseball Games 4.7.11 (PDF)

Teens Off-Board 44-O’Shaughnessy, Shooting Ensues

Muni rider Tony sent us these photos of this morning’s shooting. Some teenagers allegedly got off a 44-O’Shaughnessy and shot an 18-year-old (possibly 17) man.

Tony says:

I was on the 24 which had to turn around bc of “police activity”. Woman next to me was an aunt of the victim. Said he was just 17 and was shot because he refused to move his bag when asked. They waited for him to get off the bus and the started shooting him. She said he was shot 10 times.

SF Appeal has more on the story.

Muni Neck Tattoo

Photo by t.twelve

We don’t quite get why, either. Pascal shared this bit of skin art with us. Reminded us of some other curious epidermis inkings we’ve seen:

Last week, we posted this Fast Pass tattoo. Looks really detailed. And we agree: Muni operators should let her ride for free owing to this bit of awesomeness.

We found this amazing F-Market tattoo last June. The photo doesn’t do the tattoo justice.

MUNI SF tattoo
This one still leaves us scratching our heads a little. But then, it involves the Muni worm logo, which, nuff said. Photo by 0x0000org

Know of any other Muni tattoos? Let us know!

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