Hey, That’s My Tattoo! Girl Reunites With Her Muni Tattoo
A few days after we posted a roundup of various Muni tattoos, one of the tattoo’s owners contacted us to tell us more.
Julie is the proud owner of the Muni neck tattoo. Here’s what she had to say upon discovering it on Muni Diaries:
That is me 3 years ago, at the fresh-faced age of 18 when I first got the tattoo. The day after, I was in Costco with my mom, and three dudes stopped me to ask if it was really the worm, and snapped this picture.
Here’s what Julie said about why she got the Muni worm tattoo’d on the back of her neck:
At 15, my mom kicked me out of the house, and I was out on the streets. I would sleep on the 90 or 91 when it was extra cold or rainy out. The drivers, despite their rough exterior, showed me ultimate compassion and sometimes would give me food or hot chocolate. The entire experience of being a street kid had a huge part in the chick I am today, so I got the worm.
Plus, it’s unique to San Francisco, and I’m a city kid to the core.
And the reaction she gets to the tattoo?
It’s always fun. Usually a laugh or two and then a question of why I got it. A lot of tagger kids think it’s pretty cool which always amuses me. Muni operators get a good laugh out of it too, and cable car drivers always tell me it’s my life pass and I can ride their trolley for free any day.
So much awesome is happening on the nape of Julie’s neck and in her story. Thanks for sharing, Julie!
This and other posts are being corralled over on our 100 Days, 100 Muni Stories page. Check out these tributes to the Muni experience, and send us your best Muni memories.
Cool Idea: Muni Media Map Project
Photo by Adrian Cotter
Rachel Cassandra from the art collective Revel Art wants to know: how do you feel about your Muni line? She is looking for artists to create work inspired by their Muni line, which will later be a part of a multimedia exhibit. Of course this idea is right up our alley. (And bonus points from me because Revel Art installed a great community altar at the Day of the Dead parade, my favorite San Francisco activity. Watch the time-lapse video on Revel Art‘s website.)
Details from Rachel Cassandra:
What: A multi-media exhibit featuring work inspired by each of the Muni Bus/Train Lines accompanied by a giant, wall-sized map referencing each piece.Want: We want you to choose a Muni line, and explore it through any medium you choose: dance, baking, portraiture, video, photography, prose, sound, and more!How to submit: Fill out this handy Proposal Survey or the Call for Submissions form. Email Rachel Cassandra for an address if you want to go the snail mail route.Other important stuff: We want to represent as many lines as possible, so we’re only allotting one project per line, unless you would like to collaborate. We’ll assign routes as they come in, so send us your submission soon.The Big Show: The Muni Media Map exhibit will be shown on Saturday, May 28th at the Schoolhouse as part of the 100 Days of Spring show!
(The image above is from Adrian Cotter, one of our favorite on-the-bus iphone artists. Check out his sketches on the J-Church and 12-Folsom.)
Weekend Photos: The Faces of Muni Riders
Photo by Matthew Davis
Another thing we can hardly contain ourselves about is the San Francisco Giants first home game, under way right now at AT&T Park. SFMTA encourages you to take public transit to and from all games this season. We agree. Or, at least walk or take a cab. Driving there is just silly.
The Muni Diaries Facebook page is another way for you to stay close to the action. “Like” us on Facebook today, and you won’t regret it.
So, yes, Muni didn’t seem to want to stay out of the news this week:
- Muni crash settlement would bring total cost of West Portal crash to nearly $7 million (SF Examiner)
- Is the SFMTA too big and unwieldy to function properly? (SF Examiner)
- Muni hires PR firm to handle media during contract negotiations with workers (SF Examiner)
- Fare evasions still high in SF as Muni loses $19M in 2010 (SF Examiner)
- Supe Wiener: Wild Muni Ride “one of those ‘Twilight Zone’ situations” (BCN via SF Appeal)
- Muni’s new $100K public-relations firm fires first salvo in labor negotiations (SF Examiner)
- Man Shot By Teens Getting Off Muni Bus In Bayview Thursday Morning (BCN via SF Appeal)
- Man Shot By Teens As He Got Off Muni Expected To Survive (BCN via SF Appeal)
- How Smartphones Can Improve Public Transit (Wired.com)
- Texting Muni Driver on Paid Suspension (SF Appeal)
Enjoy the weekend and these beautiful photos!
Photo by Troy Holden
Photo by Ben Soto
Photo by Bhautik Joshi
Hot on Twitter: Sleeping passengers on Muni
Photo by WeMeantDemocracy
Here’s our favorite Twitter conversation (twitversation?) on @munidiaries this week:
When you see people sleeping on #muni, do you ever just want to wake them up? — @faernworks
sometimes i like to sit behind them and make a loud screech then smack the window real loud. Hilarity ensues. — @Jonathanstack
AHHH no way! i like to cough really loud- but that has multiple benefits… — @faernworks
OH! thats a good one too! makes me want to bust out my spray bottle and “sneeze” — @Jonathanstack
oh that’s just gross! i’ll call you out if i catch you doing that one 😉 — @faernworks
See what fun awaits when you follow Muni Diaries on Twitter?
10-Townsend driver up and quits, but needs a roof over her head
Photo by Steve Rhodes
Bhautik has the deets on a memorable Muni ride this morning:
Everyone laughs along and we all experience a +1 awesome start to the day. It might (allegedly) be the worst-dressed line on Muni but it’s definitely got some of the best drivers 🙂
Oh, to be present on some of these Muni rides. +1 awesome, indeed.