Twitter-Sourced Muni Transfer Art

Last month we found artist Faernworks on Twitter asking for people to save her some Muni transfers. “It’s for art,” she explains. A retweet later, she’s received enough transfers to create some pretty cool art.

“One of the reasons I am working with the transfers is because of their day to day ‘ness of them- the everyday use and familiarity- that is quickly changing- i have yet to get one of those cards…” she explains on the Faernworks website.

Glad we can help a little!

Here’s the second part of the Faernworks Muni transfers project:

Have you done something creative with your transfers or Fast Passes? Let us know.

Driver Plays Lotto While Stunned Passengers Watch

Thanks for the heads-up, California Lottery!
Photo by Sam Craig

I can understand that Muni drivers sometimes need to pop out real quick for a bathroom  break , but buying a lotto ticket? Really? Rider Donna C. sent us this email:

Just before 1 p.m., I was riding the #5 Fulton towards downtown when the muni driver pulled over at Fulton & Masonic, jumped out, grabbed a lotto ticket from the stand just outside the Fulton Food Shop, went inside to the cashier, opened his wallet, and presumably played his lotto ticket. There was an audible gasp among the passengers on the packed bus – no one could believe what they were seeing. He came out of the store, and got back on the bus as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I called in a formal complaint to muni – we’ll see what comes of it. I asked for someone to report back to me.

Drivers just can’t catch a break this week, it seems.

Weekend Photos: You Don’t See Me

Photo by Jesse Johnson

We’re less than a week away from Muni Diaries Live, our third anniversary! That’s forever in Internet Time. I’m steering the Muni Diaries ship solo for a few days, so bare with me. I’ll be bringing you pictures of puppies and rainbows on the bus until Jeff returns. In this week’s Muni news:

  • Muni making tracks in fight against crime (SF Examiner)
  • San Francisco Police Arrest Suspect in Muni Shooting (SFPD)
  • Muni driver in hot water after forcing family off bus (SF Examiner)
  • Brawling passengers slow morning J-Church commute (City Insider)
  • Muni trying to revoke rules preventing them from firing drivers without licenses (Matier and Ross — scroll down)
  • Joel Ramos nominated for MTA board (Rescue Muni)
  • Is Muni Considering Banning Pets From The Bus? (Nope for now) (SF Appeal)
  • Muni staffing shortage means shuttles at cost of San Francisco taxpayers (SF Examiner)

We have extended the deadline to the Endanger Bus photo contest! As it turns out, the bus wraps are going to be staying up a little longer, so here’s your chance to catch the buses in action and win $150 and publication in Bay Nature magazine.

Oh and did you see the great picture from 1968 on Muni Time Capsule? Check it out.

Enjoy these photos and your weekend!

Photo by Ben Soto

Photo by xMurMurx

Wild Card!
Photo by Alexandra Jones

Photo by Mona T. Brooks

Muni Photog: Mark Denton

California Volunteers' Memorial with Antique Streetcar

We found photographer Mark Denton’s photo on Flickr earlier last week and really liked them. Here’s what Mark had to say about how he edits his photos:

I really consider myself a novice as well. What I do is really simple and self-taught. The only editing tool I use is the freebie part of Picnic found here on Flickr. I play around with all the editing choices and often I’ll spend a lot of time on one photo. When I come home from taking photos and I upload them on my computer, I usually choose one photo that really calls out to me. I have to look “in” that photo and not just at it. I try to keep all uninteresting or distracting elements out of the photo. Composition and then cropping are the most important thing for me – more important than special effects.

You can see more of Mark’s photos below and on his Flickr stream.

Antique Streetcar in The Castro


Muni train - Emerging from underground.

Got photos of Muni? Don’t forget our Muni Photos Flickr pool.

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