Photo Diary: Light at the end of West Portal
Photo by Adam Jackson.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by Adam Jackson.
@Dahveee says of the photo above: “Is it just me or is this girl wearing what looks like a chihuahua pelt on #SFMuni? Wow!”
We sure are a snarky bunch here in San Francisco, right?. G’head: Share your best fashion insults in the comments (photos are encouraged).
Muni rider Charles shares:
This graffiti, on a 47, reminds me of one of my early rides on Muni. I used to take the 1 to and from work. One night, on the way home, every time there was an announcement, the guy sitting behind me would grumble, “Goddamn talking bus.” The ride home was about 14 blocks, and he was on the bus when I got on and still on it when I got off, so I can only assume that this continued until his destination.
Whatever floats your boat, grumbler.
Photo by Adam Davis
Photo by Rolo Tanedo Jr.
Photo by Mikael Vejdemo Johansson
Photo by Brandon Doran
Photo by telmo32
Photo by Gregory Moreno
Hope the crowded train didn’t ruin her manicure.
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Photo: The New York Times
New Yorkers have changed their minds and decided that their trains are clean enough to eat in. A crew of pop-up restauranteurs staged a dining car aboard the L train a few days ago: “For one half-hour luncheon, a car on the L train was transformed into a traveling bistro, complete with tables, linens, silverware and a bow-tied maître d’hôtel,” according to a story in The New York Times.
Within moments, a car of the waiting train was transformed into a traveling bistro, complete with tables, linens, fine silverware and a bow-tied maître d’hôtel. “Is this your first time dining on the second car of the L train?” he asked, as guests filed in.
They had been lured by the promise of a clandestine dining experience. (“Please go to the North East Corner of 8th Ave and 14th St,” read the instructions e-mailed early that morning. “There will be a tall slender woman there with jet black hair who is holding an umbrella. Please just go up and introduce yourself. Her name is Michele and she is quite lovely, but no matter how hard you press she won’t tell you about the adventure you are going on.”)
In case you’ve filled up on your pay wall limit for the month, let me just tell you that diners noshed on caviar, foie, and chocolate panna cotta (“dusted with gold leaf”). Read more about the dinner party on the L, including how they rigged the tables on the train, staged dry runs for the dining experience, and the terse response from the MTA.