Bay to Breakers SUNDAY: Keep Us in the Loop

Photo by prawnpie

Ready your vomit buckets and stake out your stoop (again, stoop; keep it neat, folks): the 100th Bay to Breakers is this Sunday. Two-thirds of your editors will actually be running the damn thing, so you kids have fun with your hula hoops and Zima after the 7 a.m. shift clears out.

SFMTA and the SF Examiner have more on the what and where, particularly if you plan on using transit at some point that day. Muni starts running express buses at 4:45 a.m. and express buses continue doing their thing after the race. But we do not have to remind you how of ugly the transit situation will be. Unless San Francisco surprises us for the 100th anniversary with an eleventy-billion-person, cushioned flying bus *crosses fingers*.

Bay To Breaker 2010
Photo by gregoirevdb

So, if you’re on the verge of tears after the fifth bus passes you by, or if you’re blissfully seated on a Muni chariot speeding back downtown, here are some options. Tweet your transit-themed photos and updates @munidiaries, write sloppily on our Facebook Wall, or, after your nap, visit the site and submit your harrowing, exceedingly positive, or wasn’t-so-bad transit tales. There are always Muni-themed costumes, so keep an eye out for those, make friends, and send those blurry captures our way.

Happy B2B! Hoping the transit gods smile on all of us that day.

Making an Appearance on Muni Today …

Photo by @CantaloupeBeard

In San Francisco, there’s no such thing as, “I’ve seen it all.” Alas, the “thing” in the photo above, between the two blue arrows.

With 94 percent certainty, I say it’s a reaper (originally, I said, “scimitar,” perhaps because I just really like that word). Eugenia told me, “i squinted and have no idea what I’m looking at…jock strap?” We could easily both be wrong.

Seeing people carrying strange things on Muni is oddly reassuring, init?

Help Choose New BART Seats Today

bart seat
Photo by Damian Kennedy

SF Appeal alerts us to this happening at SF State today. If you can make it, this should be: BART is letting the public help to choose the next generation of seats for its commuter trains. Let’s just hope there’s not a collective call for more bacteria- and virus-infected cloth seats, okay?

BART’s second “Seat Lab”
Today from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
SF State, in the Cesar Chavez Student Center Lobby, 1600 Holloway Ave.
Muni routes serving the area: M-Ocean View, 28-19th Avenue, 29-Sunset

Hipster’s Pandora’s Box

Photo by @vincent_chavez

Whoa, watch out, @vincent_chavez was sitting on the bus minding his own business and the girl next to him busts out this sinister-looking box. What is that plume of fuchsia smoke coming out of the top?

She’s probably just applying her makeup, but that box is pretty awesome. I gotta start carrying my stuff in better vessels, like an antique urn or something.

Ah, the things you see on Muni

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