Hackers hijack Muni fare systems, demanding $73K in ransom


A message saying, “You hacked, ALL data encrypted” appeared across computer screens across Muni stations yesterday, reports the San Francisco Examiner. Fare systems crashed Saturday, which meant everyone rode for free until the system was restored. SFMTA confirmed with ABC7 that the system was indeed hacked and went back online on Sunday.

The Examiner reports that the message read, “You Hacked, ALL Data Encrypted. Contact For Key(cryptom27@yandex.com)ID:681 ,Enter.”

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ICYMI: Sriracha comes in travel size for your Muni needs


In case you missed it, your favorite hot sauce is ready for all your travel needs.

Muni rider Derek sends in this important consumer reminder:

Some time ago I was riding home on an outbound 38 Geary. As I took in my surroundings I happened to glance what at first I thought was a little bottle of hand sanitizer. On a closer look I saw that it had the coloring and logo of siracha (sp?) sauce. I just had to ask the guy who’s backpack it was clipped to if it was what I thought it was and he said that yes, it was siracha sauce!

He said that he’d bought it on Amazon for adding some more kick to falafal.

Just hope he doesn’t one day get it mistaken for Purel and rub his hands near his eyes.

Mmmmmm. Handy!

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Muni bus ‘on the wrong track’


Oops, they did it again …

Typically, it’s cars that end up on Muni Metro tracks, eliciting a nails-on-a-chalkboard reaction … in me, anyway. What?

This time, as Streetsblog SF reports, a Muni bus made the boo boo. To be fair, it was hella raining Sunday morning. Which means what, I am not sure.

It’s unclear how the bus ended up on the tracks. Paul Rose, a spokesman for SFMTA, only said that, “The operator of the bus drove on the tracks at that location. We had to get a tow truck to remove it. Shuttles provided service through the area to West Portal.”

Check out Streetsblog for more on this unfortunate event.

Photo by Daniel Pinko via Streetsblog SF

An ode to one of our favorite buskers


Jesse Morris was better known as “Punk Rock Johnny Cash” — if you had the fortune of seeing him at downtown BART stations, you’d know his breathtaking rendition of “Folsom Prison Blues.” Jeff took this photo in an alley off Valencia yesterday, a simple honoring of this musician who made our Muni and BART rides just a little more special.

In 2011, riders told us that Jesse had passed away, and more than 60 people wrote us about how much he made their day every time they saw him at BART.

Two of the letters that we got from readers at the time:

“When my sister turned 40 a few years ago, I gave Punk Rock Johnny Cash $10 to sing happy birthday to her on my phone.”

“For the past four years, I looked forward to seeing Jesse at BART. When my Mom was dying from cancer, I got her one of Jesse’s CDs, She loved Johnny Cash, and she loved SF, and he was kind of a bit of both.”

Jesse’s bandmates and friends organized a benefit concert for him at the Uptown in Oakland. Here’s a video of Jesse singing at BART — it’s easy to see why he made such a big impression on everyone.

RIP Jesse Morris, indeed.

Adorable 1960s Sign for a Retiring Cable Car Driver


Is there anything sweeter? We found this adorable old sign from @kjerahus on Instagram, whose great grandfather was a conductor on the California Street cable car:

Sign from my great grandfather’s retirement in 1964. He was a conductor on the California St cable cars for years and worked on trolleys and trains since 1917.

Here’s a few more nostalgic finds:
Muni’s first schedule
Streetcar No. 1
Muni rapid in 1966

Got any more old timey finds? Tag us on Instagram at #munidiaries.

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