Was something in the air this morning on Muni?

Jet Set Operator
Photo by Todd Lappin

We saw several tweets this morning mentioning friendly, efficient Muni operators. Perhaps the Rapture is today, not Saturday? In any case, we’re seeing staggering evidence of the world going kablooey any second now.

To whit:

Muni driver greeted me with a smile, “good morning sir, everything good today.”. #5578 rt. 30 you are an example.@sgharms

I think I might have boarded Muni airline 30x. Busdriver said that we might expect sunny weather on the other side of the broadway tunnel. – @bmson

This #Muni driver is entirely too cheery for his AM 30x clientele. Not complaining–it beats the usual driver surliness.@sfkatya

After I filled out a scathing survey on MUNI, this lovely T-Line driver waited for me as I ran for the train. Karma?@katinaminer

This makes us wonder: If the operators union were to craft a totally coordinated, skillfully executed PR campaign to be friendly and efficient, would it change your opinion of the system as a whole?

And keep up the good attitudes, Nice Drivers.

The Coming N-Judah Express Bus

F Market Bus
Photo by Whole Wheat Toast

Maybe the world is ending on Saturday. We so very rarely hear about Muni service expansion, but it’s true, folks.

At an estimated cost of $1.8 million, and with the aim of reducing crowding on one of its busiest routes, the SFMTA will next month begin offering morning and evening weekday express shuttle service from the Outer Sunset to the Financial District along the N-Judah’s path. According to SF Appeal:

Morning peak express buses will make 11 stops between 48th Avenue and 19th Avenue along Judah Street before beelining to Bush and Montgomery streets.

Similarly, evening express service will begin at Sutter and Sansome streets and will run express to 19th Avenue and Judah Street before making 11 local stops.

So, Outer Sunset Muni riders, we wanna know: What you think about this new service? It’s set to begin on June 13. Yea or nay?

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