Was something in the air this morning on Muni?
Photo by Todd Lappin
To whit:
Muni driver greeted me with a smile, “good morning sir, everything good today.”. #5578 rt. 30 you are an example. – @sgharms
I think I might have boarded Muni airline 30x. Busdriver said that we might expect sunny weather on the other side of the broadway tunnel. – @bmson
This #Muni driver is entirely too cheery for his AM 30x clientele. Not complaining–it beats the usual driver surliness. – @sfkatya
After I filled out a scathing survey on MUNI, this lovely T-Line driver waited for me as I ran for the train. Karma? – @katinaminer
This makes us wonder: If the operators union were to craft a totally coordinated, skillfully executed PR campaign to be friendly and efficient, would it change your opinion of the system as a whole?
And keep up the good attitudes, Nice Drivers.