The Muni Poet Laureate

None other than Raymond of Proportion Cups. Raymond sent us these uplifting words he penned in homage to Muni:

The morning light breaks through

Offering comfort and inspiration

Leaving bad thoughts to drown in new ideas

Unbound and free, discord fades into harmony

Soon the murk will seem lifetimes behind me

But, I know, as I have always known, and will forever know


Like we said, “uplifting.”

What are you listening to on Muni?

Living Strange
Photo by elisasizzle

Tyler Cullen walked around New York City asking people what they were listening to at that moment on their headphones. The video and Cullen’s story quickly blazed its way around the internet, including an appearance on one of The New York Times’ blogs. It’s a great idea, we agree. In fact, we did the same thing on Muni a few years ago. Check out the first Muni playlist we put together in 2009.

See also:
What are you listening to on Muni today?
Muni Playlist: From Kanye to Kerouac
Muni Playlist: From Joe Jackson to Flight of the Conchords

And perhaps it goes without saying: What are you listening to on Muni these days?

KNSFW: NYC Train Pole Dance

This just in from the other coast: public transit is a turn-on. This skilled dancer was videotaped performing an impromptu pole dance on the L in New York. I’m not sure why this video had an age verification warning on YouTube, though. His shorts covered all the essentials.

Was this a underground transit pole dancing flash mob? The local CBS affiliate seems to think so.

It reminds me of the spontaneous pole dance performance that Sonia spotted on the T-Third. Good times were had by (almost) all.

* Kinda Not Safe For Work. Tee hee.

Introducing Our Twitter Masters

What could possibly happen on Caltrain (left) and BART (right)? Ask our new Twitter masters.

What shenanigans are happening right now on public transit in the Bay Area? If you follow us on Twitter, you’ll know. In addition to @munidiaries, we have two excellent people at the mic of @CaltrainDiaries and @BARTDiaries: Laura and Ed! They’re curating the best slices of life on Caltrain and BART, minute by minute.

Laura has been at the helm of @CaltrainDiaries since 2009, when she approached us at Muni Diaries Live with an awesome Caltrain story. As you might guess, that is the quickest way to our hearts.

More about Laura:

Born and raised in the Bay Area, Laura’s first public transportations experiences were with the VTA (that’s Valley Transit Authority in the Peninsula) and Caltrain.  Little did she know she’s end up taking Caltrain from San Francisco to Palo Alto, from Palo Alto to San Francisco, over and over again as a adult. Luckily the latter trips came with a smart phone and the know-how to always tag off.

Mr. Ed Casey is the newest addition to the Diaries team. We found Ed through his blog, BART Don’t Lie, and his hilarious tweets only meant one thing: We have to assimilate this dude as soon as possible.

More about Ed:

A survivor of five years of the daily Concord to San Francisco BART run, Ed has witnessed all of the finer points of BARTing up to and including occupying multiple seats with bags of smelly, drippy take-out, nail clipping (fingers and toes), passed-out drunks, terrifyingly conscious and talkative drunks, and overall societal breakdowns that made him question the very existence of human decency. Ed is tired.

So if you’re on Caltrain and BART, remember to follow and tweet @CaltrainDiaries and @BARTDiaries. Laura and Ed could make you internet-famous for at least 15 seconds! And you’ll never be bored on your commute again.

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