Golden Gate Bridge Hella Expensive via Car, Turns Out

Photo by pmmueller on Flickr

SF Appeal, via the Wall Street Journal, says more and more people are ditching their cars for public transit when crossing World’s Coolest Bridge. Rising gas prices and $5-6 in toll fares started, well, taking their toll. Via the Appeal:

The number that continues to rise is the amount of people taking public transit to cross the iconic span. 576,000 passengers have made their way across the bridge by bus this past May, 4.2% more than May 2010.

The 76-Marin Headlands — on which the photo above was taken — will get you to the other side and back (allegedly). You might run into Spock and Kirk, even. As more people ride Muni (and Golden Gate Transit) across the famed landmark, let’s hope Muni makes more of an effort to ensure these buses run on time. Please? We said please.

In the meantime, pad your schedule and try to be in the opposite of a hurry.

Open Thread: Ding dong

Photo by Andrea Hale

So, we no longer have Nathaniel Ford to blame for almost all of Muni’s woes.

Consider this post a chance for you to reflect on the poop-stained tenure of Mr. Ford, relish in his removal, or turn your sights toward his replacement and potential ways to get Muni back on track.

Also, this was fun.

Yarnbomb a BART Seat!

Photo: Livermore Patch

Did you celebrate June 11, International Yarn Bombing Day? Yeah, me neither. But our man Ed Casey at @BARTDiaries found an interview with someone named Street Color, who yarn bombed the hell out of a BART seat.

How exactly did this happen? First, Street Color “knit really solidly for a month and hysterically for a week.” Then the ride begins. From the Livermore Patch:

Actually I made it as a slipcover so that I could take it on and off. Originally I planned to sew the piece to the seat but as I knit on and on I started to like that seat cover and I knew that BART would cut it off and throw it away . I wanted to be able to make it into a performance piece and put it on lots of different trains. So I put it on the seat and took pictures and then sat on it and rode to San Francisco.

Read the rest of the interview at Livermore Patch.

By the way, Ed prefers the term “guerilla knitting” to “yarn bombing.”

Now, when will someone declare cross stitch warfare on Muni seats?

Thanks, @knithacker!

Nat Ford out as head of SFMTA

Cable Car 15
Photo by Jamison Weiser

Update, Thurs., 7:37 a.m.: SFGate says Ford’s departure will happen June 30. Read more about his tumultuous tenure and “accomplishments” at the Gate.

Original post: To probably everyone’s delight, the SF Examiner reports that Nat Ford is going to quit as head of SFMTA next month, their sources say. The Examiner’s post mentions this week’s news about an arbitrator imposing a contract on Muni operators as key to the decision by Ford to step down.

Read more at the Examiner.

Kirk Read on Muni: Humanity and Criminality

You probably have heard of Mr. Kirk Read, cohost the open mics Smack Dab and Kvetsh, and an amazing storyteller himself. Here Kirk tells a story that happened on the 14-Mission at Muni Diaries Live 5.

I missed my preferred mode of Muni transportation, which I think it’s the only dignified way to ride Muni: the underground. Riding above ground you’re just open to all manners of humanity and criminality and indecency, really. I missed that, so I was left with a double bus on Mission — the 14. Exactly. So I step into my carriage…I went to the back of the bus because that’s where the most interesting people are. So that’s where I sit, in solidarity with the interesting people.

On this night there was nobody in the back of the bus, so I sit down. Then I hear this rustling and I look down, and there is this little pile of fabric squirming on the floor. What is going on?! It took a minute and I realize it’s this little woman who was rubbing against everything, all up on the windows. It’s like when you’re on ecstasy and you really let yourself go. She’s not touching me because she has some manners. But she’s like touching the air, and I’m fascinated, and I’m just like, YES! I’m just gonna sit here and behold.

Watch the video to find out what happened in the rest of Kirk’s story.

Got a story of humanity, criminality, or indecency on the bus? You know where to send it.

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