Muni News: Nat Ford, Muni Meltdown, Nat Ford

  • Mayor to Muni: Hit the 85 percent on-time mark (SFGate)
  • Contract means more money for Muni (SFGate)
  • Nat Ford’s Legacy (SF Weekly)
  • Muni Will Never Make 85 Percent On-Time Goal (SF Weekly)
  • Next Muni Chief to Be Local Hire (Bay Citizen)
  • Cash-strapped Muni defends severance pay for chief (SFGate)
  • Transit Cuts Turn One Bus Ride Into Three (Mission Local)
  • Nat Ford’s Departure Is Timed Well (SF Weekly)
  • Rec and Park director Phil Ginsburg flattered, but not interested in Muni position (SF Examiner)
  • N-Judah mishap unrelated to lack of automatic control system, Muni says (SF Examiner)

Unnecessary Rudeness: A PSA of Sorts

Photo by Tantek Çelik

A lady gets on a full-ish 47 on Van Ness on Thursday morning. She was sorta not unlike a brunette Anna Nicole Smith, both visually and vocally. She tried unsuccessfully, twice, to tag her Clipper card. Since these were unsuccessful attempts, the driver asked her to try again. She says this in response:

“Can’t you read? It said ‘already processed.’ Fucking idiot.”

So … some friendly reminders and tips for everyone at home:

  • “EH-EH” is the no-no sound. “EH,” singular, is the good sound. Both are really loud and obvious.
  • Those machines always tell you, aurally and on the screen, when your tag worked. Pretty sure it displays a red light if it didn’t.
  • It happens to the best of us. I usually board the bus, rolling my eyes after two tries, and tag at the back doors.
  • The drivers can be faulted for a great many things, but failure to tag a card on persnickety machines isn’t one of them.

She was sweet as pie to the passengers, perhaps realizing how snatchy the whole exchange was.


Muni Service Restored + Meltdown Witnesses

Photo by geordino

A bit of good news after yesterday’s major Muni fail: All Muni Metro lines are running this morning, SF Appeal says, and no delays have been reported (yet). According to the SFMTA, as of today at 6:10am, “subway service has been fully restored.”

How’s your morning commute after yesterday’s epic meltdown?

We have a few witness reports from yesterday evening for you too.  A couple of commenters on Muni Diaries wrote in to share their experience having been on the N-Judah that took out wires and concrete supports, and in effect, wiped out the entire Muni Metro subway system for hours.

First, @heyitscarlosjr:

I was on the N train that caused this mess. It sounded like a major bang as if it crashed into something but we didn’t feel a jerk to it… The power went out on the train. The operator said they were looking into it, that it might be a few minutes. I didn’t wait, i went up to take the 6. I can’t believe that

And next, Lily:

I was on the N Judah when this happened. I was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced during my time on public transit. Before we entered the tunnel a Muni worker looked like he was chasing our train waving his hands. As soon as I lost all cell phone reception sparks started flying everywhere outside of the train, and then the ceiling began to crack spaying debris onto the surrounding seats. We waited 20 minutes to be “rescued” and lead back up to the street. Fuck you for making me an hour late to work Muni!

Sounds like Carlos got off the N-Judah prior to what Lily is describing. In any event, it sounds spectacular if fail-ridden.

And SFMTA has issued its obligatory “Muni will investigate” statement, according to the SF Examiner. Possible culprit? Missing automatic train controls, which, according to the Examiner, “might have prevented a train from ripping wires and concrete supports off a subway wall.”

We’ll keep you updated, and keep us updated on your commute today.

Muni Metro Underground Royally Screwed (updates)

Update (6:38 p.m.): ABC 7/KGO reports that the K, L, and M lines are back in operation. Crews are working on restoring the J and N, but there is no estimate yet when those lines will be back up.

Update (3:41 p.m.): The Examiner reports that an N-Judah LRV is the cause of the delays/stoppages. The light-rail apparently dislodged wires and pulled down a concrete support.

From the Examiner’s report:

[SFMTA Transit Director John] Haley said there is “no question” the evening commutes will be affected. He hopes to have the K-Ingleside, L-Taraval and M-Ocean View up and running by 3 p.m., but service for the J and N are not expected to resume underground until tomorrow. Haley estimated it will take eight to nine hours to repair the damage.

Original post: So reports the SF Examiner. 511 says shuttles are in place between Embarcadero and Castro. Also, the Examiner reports that the Church Street Station is closed. We’ll do our best to keep you updated.

@DavidCairns says: “Note to muni riders: outbound service only at Church station, inbound track evidently totally fucked”

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