Muni News: Fares and Passes Go Up Tomorrow, ‘If I Ruled Muni,’ Clipper refunds

Yeah, right.
Photo by blarfiejandro

  • BART Reaches $1.3 Million Settlement With Mother Of Oscar Grant (SF Appeal)
  • Muni approves $233M contract for Central Subway tunneling project in SF (SF Examiner)
  • New Muni contract: Supervisor demands accountability (SFGate)
  • Will Muni deal lead to savings? (SFGate)
  • Clipper Could be Overcharging You for Using Transfers (UPDATE: Clipper Admits Error, Refunds to be Issued) (Akit’s Complaint Department)
  • Transit Fares, Bridge Tolls Go Up Friday (BCN via SF Appeal)
  • If I Ruled Muni… (SF Weekly‘s Joe Eskanazi)

‘Streets of San Francisco’ Photo Show Opens Tonight

Photo by Travis Jensen

Want to see some amazing photographs of our city? Head over to Schroeder’s Restaurant tonight for the opening of Streets of San Francisco, a photo show by Travis Jensen and Josh Sullivan. We know Travis from the photo collective All City, which has brought us some amazing transit photographs on Muni Diaries. And of course, public transportation stars prominently on our streets. You’ll see pictures like the photo in this post. Armed with 35mm film from a rooftop in the Financial District, Travis shot the two cable cars crossing paths on California Street.

At Streets of San Francisco, you’ll find “a diverse mix of urban landscapes, candid street scenes, and street portraiture.” I’m told that Schroeder’s is more than 100 years old and has never had an event like this.

Streets of San Francisco Opening Party
Schroeder’s Restaurant
240 Front Street (between California and Sacramento streets)
San Francisco, CA.
6 p.m. – 10 p.m.

The show will be up until July 30.

To Muni, with Love, from Croatia

Melita visited San Francisco for the second time last week from Croatia and sent us some photos she took of the F train. Looking at our transit system from a fresh, visitor’s point of view, she told us a little about the differences between public transit in Zagreb and San Francisco.

Visiting San Francisco again was great. On my first day in San Francisco two years ago I fell in love with the city and was very happy to get a chance to visit it one more time. We took long walks and used public transit (Muni/Bart/Caltrain) as we are (like most Europeans) used to public transit.

A few things that I like about Muni: it’s affordable, you can take your bike with you on Muni which is not possible to do on Zagreb (the capital of Croatia) public transit, more seats reserved for seniors and persons with disabilities, people are mostly very polite and are not pushing around the entrance to get on Muni.

One more thing that I find very amusing is pulling the string when you want to get off the bus.

Things you can do on Zagreb public transit (except trains): buy your ticket by sending SMS from your cell phone.

Wow, I’d like to buy my Muni tickets from my cell phone. Pretty cool. Wonder what transit in Zagreb looks like?


Thanks, Melita!

How does Muni compare to public transit in other countries? The comments section is wide open…

One Day Left to Vote in SFBG Best of the Bay

San Francisco Flyby
Photo by Trey Ratcliff

You’ve only got one day left to vote in the San Francisco Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay 2011. It’s your chance to tell the Guardian the best of our city, everything from the best pot edibles and best magician to the best place to watch the sunset. There are lots of categories sprinkled throughout the survey, including local blogs and websites, so check out our friends in our blog roll if you’re in need of ideas.

Oh, and on page 5 you can vote for the Best Overall Local Blog. If you’ve enjoyed reading Muni Diaries, please show us a little love!

Vote in the San Francisco Bay Guardian Best of the Bay 2011

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